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A knock at the front door startles them both from their position on the sofa; Leah has her legs resting on the coffee table while Courtney's head rests on her lap. It's been three days since the miscarriage and they're just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other at the moment; Courtney's cramping has upped a gear and she's definitely been in a lot more pain which has been causing a lot of nausea.

'Shit...' Courtney mumbles, one hand resting against her stomach as she uses the other to push herself into a semi-sitting position.

'What's up, love? Are you expecting someone?' Leah asks.

'I forgot I had arranged for Jen to take Bunny to that Shrek's Adventure place... I forgot to cancel... I'm sorry.' Courtney replies shaking her head.

'You've got nothing to be sorry for, Court. You've had a hell of a lot going on the past few days. Why don't you go upstairs and I can speak to Jen? She could still take her if you're okay with it?' Leah says.

'I uh- Are you okay with her going?' Courtney asks glancing at the blonde who nods her head.

'I think going with Jen would give her a little bit of normality, even if just for a few hours. I think it would give us a bit of a break from putting on a front and it would let me focus on you for a bit.' Leah replies.

'What are you going to tell her when you open the door? She probably thinks you're still at camp?' Courtney asks and the blonde shrugs her shoulders.

'What would you prefer that I tell her?' Leah asks.

'The truth?' Courtney says quietly and the blonde nods her head.

'I can do that. I can tell her the truth if you're comfortable with that?' Leah asks.

'Mm-hmm... I'll get Bunny ready.' Courtney says.

'You don't have to, I can do that.' Leah replies and Courtney shakes her head.

'I want to.' Courtney says.


'Hey, you... I saw you'd left camp. Everything okay? Have you picked up an injury? They didn't really say much just that you'd had to leave?' Jen asks as the she smiles at the blonde who's opened the front door.

'Mm... No injuries I just- Oh I don't even know how to say this.' Leah says shaking her head as tears automatically fill her eyes.

'What's going on, Le? Is everything okay?' Jen asks and Leah shakes her head.

'No, nothing is okay right now. Come in...' Leah replies. Together they make their way into the living room, Courtney having already taken Bunny upstairs to get dressed.

'I uh- Court and I have been trying for a baby. It's not something we really told anyone about, not even our families until we knew the transfer had worked and the baby was growing in the correct place.' Leah begins to explain and Jen nods her head.

'Court had a miscarriage the other day... It was during the Sweden game, I left at half time and I just- It's been a hard few days. Bunny isn't ready yet because Courtney forgot that she'd arranged this and I just- Fuck.' Leah says, her hands reaching up to cover her face as the tears stream down her cheeks.

'Oh, Le... I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Do you want me to rearrange to take Bunny? I have a few more weeks in the UK, I can do this another day.' Jen offers and Leah shakes her head.

'No, honestly it'll give her some normality because the poor soul has just had to make do with watching cartoons and me half trying to entertain her.' Leah admits watching as the other woman moves to hug her tightly.

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