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note: I won't lie, not a massive fan of this chapter but no matter how many times I deleted and rewrote it, I just wasn't happy with it. I will say we are nearing the end of this book though. I did have a potential plan for a third book but I'm not 100% sure. Can give more information on that at a later day if anyone is interested.

Sliding out of bed, Leah sighs as she glances over at Courtney who's curled up on her side fast asleep. Unlike the previous morning, there was no waking up to cuddles, instead she's quietly making her way over to the co-sleeping crib where Tilly is sleeping peacefully. Leaning down, she softly presses a kiss to the top of the baby's head before quietly making her way out of the room and through to Bunny's room. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she gently runs her fingers through the little girl's hair causing her to stir slightly.

'Lele...' Bunny mumbles sleepily causing Leah to smile.

'Morning, sweet girl... Are you ready to get up for nursery?' Leah asks softly.

'Mm... Hungry.' Bunny replies causing Leah to smile as she tucks some hair behind the toddler's ear.

'Let's go get some food in that belly then, shall we?' Leah asks and Bunny nods her head. She sleepily rubs her eyes before pushing the covers down her little body and reaching her arms up towards Leah.

'Come on then sleepyhead.' Leah says smiling. Standing up, she can't help but smile as Bunny wraps her tiny body around Leah's upper body like a little koala bear. Making her way downstairs, Leah smiles and sits Bunny on the counter.

'Did you sleep good?' Leah asks and Bunny nods her head.

'I have coco pops?' Bunny asks.

'Mm-hmm... Course you can.' Leah replies smiling. She sets about preparing the little girl's breakfast before sitting it on the breakfast bar and moving Bunny onto a seat.

'Right you eat up, I'm just getting my stuff together for training.' Leah says and Bunny nods her head.

'Love you, Lele.' Bunny says smiling.

'Love you too, sweetheart.' Leah replies.

'To the moon.' Bunny says.

'And all the way back again.' Leah replies.


She can hear the hushed whispers from the girls and staff as she makes her way over to the edge of the pitch and sits down, immediately reaching up to cover her face with her hands. She knows they're supposed to be in the middle of a drill, she knows that she's disrupted everyone by leaving mid-drill but she just can't keep pushing through anymore.

'Come on you...' A familiar voice says softly as she reaches down to take hold of the blonde's hands. Sighing Leah allows Lia to pull her into a standing position and the Swiss-midfielder drapes her arm around the blonde's shoulders as she begins to lead her inside.

'What's going on? You've not been yourself today and this seems different from just adjusting to coming back.' Lia asks.

'I'm fine.' Leah replies and Lia shakes her head.

'No you're not... You don't have to tell me what's going on but you aren't okay, Le. Why don't you go home? Go see Courtney?' Lia says causing the blonde to groan.

'We've had an argument.' Leah replies quietly.

'Ah right okay... What was it about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.' Lia says as they reach a quiet area.

'She'd had a rough day with Bunny... Bunny was feeling a bit left out and pushed aside for Tilly.' Leah begins as they take a seat on the bench.

'So by the time I went home, they were both absolutely distraught... It took me ages to finally settle them both down and then we got Bunny to bed amd stuff but Bunny had been acting proper strange with Courtney all night so I was trying to console Court, tell her that it was just because she was overtired.' Leah continues and Lia nods her head.

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