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Two years later.

The sun peeks through a gap in the curtains as she stretches her free arm above her head as the other keeps Courtney cradled against her chest. Tilting her head down slightly, she presses a gentle kiss on top of Courtney's head causing the brunette to stir slightly. Screwing her eyes shut, Courtney groans and turns her head to press her face into the blonde in an attempt to keep the light out.

'Too early.' Courtney mumbles sleepily causing Leah to smile.

'What time is it?' Courtney asks feeling Leah's fingers brush against her hip.

'A little after 9, I think... Breakfast should be here soon.' Leah replies softly.

'Mm... Good, we're hungry.' Courtney says smiling as she brushes her hand against her stomach causing Leah to smile. Reaching down, Leah rests her hand on top of Courtney's, smiling as she feels the ever so subtle movement.

'Yesterday was perfect.' Courtney says softly lifting her head to glance at the blonde who nods her head.

'It really was, wasn't it? Crazy to think that all the preparation and now it's all over. Feels like it was just a blink of an eye.' Leah admits and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Well at least we've got our honeymoon to look forward to, ey? Two weeks away; just you, me and our little tag-along.' Courtney says.

'Oh absolute bliss. Just us and the sun.' Leah replies wrapping her arms back around the brunette and pulling her back against her chest. Smiling, Courtney cuddles into the blonde, her arm draping across her stomach.

'Feels so good to finally be able to call you my wifey.' Leah says.

'I literally got goosebumps when you said on behalf of me and my wife yesterday during your speech.' Courtney replies.

'Watching you walk up the aisle was my moment where I just though wow.' Leah says causing Courtney to laugh slightly.

'Surprised you could even see me you were blubbering that much.' Courtney replies.

'Hey, I'm just an emotional soul... We're what? Nearly six years in, you should know that by now.' Leah says.


To Mum:
Can you bring the girls by our cottage when you guys are ready and finished breakfast? We just want to spend some time with them before we come see everyone else? Xxx

From Mum:
Drop them off in 5. Holly is just doing Bunny's hair xx

'Mum said she'll drop the kids off in five minutes.' Leah says softly as she places her phone down on the bedside table and turns her attention back to Courtney who smiles.

'Good. It's funny because having last night without them was lovely and having our parents be mostly responsible for them yesterday meant that we could properly enjoy our day.' Courtney begins and Leah nods her head.

'But it felt so fucking strange at the same time, didn't it? There were times throughout the night where I was like right where's Tilly and then I remembered that they were fine and we didn't really need to worry about them. I could just focus on you.' Leah says.

'Mm-hmm...We're so lucky to have so many amazing people around us. Did you see Wally dancing with both girls last night?' Courtney asks and Leah nods her head.

'I think the photographer got some pictures of that so they'll be really nice to have and look back on.' Leah replies draping her arm back around the brunette. They sit in bed for a few minutes just chatting about yesterday and their plans for their honeymoon before there's a knock at the door causing them both to smile.

'I'll get it.' Leah says softly. She slowly makes her way out of the bedroom and through to the front of the cottage where they've been staying post-wedding to be greeted by both Bunny and Tilly flinging themselves into her arms as soon as she's opened the door.

'Hi, babies...' Leah says smiling as she wraps her arms around both of them.

'Mama!' Tilly squeals causing Leah to smile as she gently ruffles the two-year-old's hair.

'Mummy's sitting up in bed if you guys want to go see her.' Leah says softly as she leans down to kiss the top of each of their heads before watching them immediately run in the direction of the bedroom.

'Hi, lovey...' Amanda says softly as she wraps her arms around her daughter.

'Thanks for bringing them over mum. We just want to spend an hour or so with them and then we'll come see everybody... Did you guys get breakfast?' Leah asks hugging her mum.

'We did. It was absolutely delicious... Did you guys get something?' Amanda asks and Leah nods her head.

'Yeah, we had food.' Leah replies smiling.


Making their way into the large room containing the friends and family who are still around, Leah can't help but smile as she takes in the sight of so many people that she loves in the one room. Tilly is settled on Courtney's hip while Bunny clutches Leah's hand and remains by her side as they spend some time making their way around everyone, thanking them for coming yesterday and letting them know just how much they appreciate everyone.

'How are you guys planning to share any wedding pictures online if you've not announced this yet?' Beth asks smiling as she gestures to Courtney's bump.

'We're going to announce it soon, aren't we? We just wanted to keep this one to ourselves for a little while longer after everything that happened.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Before we leave for the honeymoon we'll announce. We are over halfway there; I'm surprised that we've even managed to hide it this long.' Courtney says smiling as she rests her hand on her stomach.

'Did you guys have a good day yesterday?' Beth asks placing Freddie on the floor and watching him rush off towards Viv.

'Mm... It was perfect. More than I could've ever dreamt of.' Courtney replies smiling as she glances to Leah.

'Yeah, it was just really good wasn't it?' Leah says softly.

'Steph was gutted they had to leave early but poor little Poppy just wasn't feeling too great at all so they figured rather than the baby getting everyone poorly, they'd just take her home.' Beth says and Leah nods her head.

'She messaged us this morning... Said they spent the night constantly changing her because she was just projectile vomiting but she seems to have turned a corner and is a bit brighter this morning.' Leah replies causing Beth to smile.

'That's good to hear.' Beth says.


leahwilliamsonn and courtneyxlawson:

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leahwilliamsonn and courtneyxlawson:

And sometimes against all odds, miracles happen ❤.

It's not been an easy journey, far from it actually but we are so blessed to be growing our family by two more little feet.

View all comments.

bethmead_: you four deserve the world! So, so happy to meet this little miracle ❤

liawaelti: auntie Wally can't wait to meet her newest little love 💕💕

alexscott2:  no words, just a whole lot of love for you guys 🥹🥹🥹

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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