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It was less than a week after their return from Paris and their first positive pregnancy test that the symptoms had hit her like a ton of bricks. First it had been the almost unbearable tiredness which had left her napping during her lunch hour and often being in bed before the clock had even struck 9pm. It wasn't long before the tiredness was paired with the horrendous sickness that she's come to associate with being pregnant.

'I've got you...' Leah says softly as she kneels down behind Courtney and pulls her hair out of her face before gently tying it back in a loose ponytail. Courtney can't help but let out a small groan as she leans back against the blonde who's arms wrap gently around her waist to rest on her stomach.

'We can cancel my mum coming over... We don't have to tell her today.' Leah adds and Courtney immediately shakes her head.

'No, in the nicest way possible I want to get it over with.' Courtney says and Leah nods her head. They've spent the past week just attempting to process the fact that the transfer worked and she's pregnant again but to say that pregnancy after a miscarriage is a total mind fuck would be an understatement. They got their pregnancy confirmed by blood test at their clinic but that hasn't stopped the brunette from regularly taking pregnancy tests at home, although she has managed to limit herself to just one each morning. Leah knew that telling Sarina was the best thing to do as they get closer and closer to her going away on camp but having to utter those words out loud absolutely terrified her but they've managed to come up with a plan that allows for Leah to constantly be contactable if needed while they're away.

'I don't know if I'm nauseous because of this.' Courtney says gesturing to her stomach.

'Or because we're telling your mum today.' Courtney adds as she feels Leah press her lips to her shoulder.

'I can tell her on my own if you want... I know it's hard saying the words, I know all of this is hard actually but I can tell her, tell her you don't want to talk about it.' Leah says causing Courtney to sigh.

'But I do... I think that's the thing that scares me the most; as much as a part of me wants to carry on with my day to day life and forget that this is actually happening, there is a huge part of me that wants to shout about this from the rooftops because it's actually happening and it deserves to be celebrated and loved just as much as their sibling was.' Courtney admits.

'So we tell her together?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head.

'We tell her together.' Courtney replies.


Resting her head on Leah's shoulder, Courtney sighs quietly as she glances over at Amanda who is engrossed in a conversation with the blonde about the upcoming international camp and World Cup. Ever since the red-head arrived a little over forty-five minutes ago, her stomach has been constantly turning, most likely a combination between the morning sickness and the desire to get this announcement over with.

'I'm pregnant.' Courtney blurts out causing Amanda to gasp as the brunette immediately throws her hand over her mouth.

'I uh- We weren't meant to tell you like this. I'm sorry.' Courtney says shaking her head as she glances at the blonde beside her who smiles slightly.

'No, I'm sorry. I should've brought it up sooner. I'm sorry, I knew how nervous you were about this.' Leah replies gently kissing the blonde's head.

'You're pregnant...' Amanda says softly and Courtney nods her head. Taking a deep breath, she glances down at her stomach before looking back up to Amanda.

'We found out when we were in Paris... It's still really early, probably just over five weeks so we're not telling anyone else but when Le goes away to camp I need someone that knows here.' Courtney replies. Immediately the red-head rises to her feet and makes her way over to wrap her arms around both Courtney and Leah.

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