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note: I won't lie, I am roughly getting timings etc from last world cup and I am aware that USA and Mexico have pulled out but for the sake of the story they're hosting it.

'Shit...' Courtney mumbles staring down at her phone as Leah makes her way into the house and takes Beau's harness off allowing him to run.

'What's happened?' Leah asks.

'Nursery is shut... Something to do with too many staff being off sick. I have meetings all day, Le.' Courtney replies shaking her head.

'It's fine... Stop panicking. I can have Bunny with me today.' Leah says softly.

'No you can't, you've got training and then didn't you say you've got an appointment with this afternoon?' Courtney asks.

'Jonas will be fine with me taking her in. She's been in before and I'm sure one of the girls will keep an eye on her for me, if not I'll just move my appointment.' Leah replies causing Courtney to groan.

'Are you sure?' Courtney asks.

'Positive.' Leah replies making her way over to wrap her arms around the brunette who sighs and drops her head to rest on her shoulder.

'Don't know how I'd get through life without you.' Courtney mumbles causing Leah to smile.

'Don't even want to think about what I'd do without you, love.' Leah replies softly.

'I swear people like us used to make me sick.' Courtney says.

'What? What do you mean like us?' Leah asks and Courtney laughs.

'Just so sickeningly in love.' Courtney replies pulling back to look at the blonde.

'Well I am completely and utterly sickeningly in love with you.' Leah says softly.

'Mmm... You're so soft.' Courtney replies giggling and Leah jokingly places her hand against her chest.

'You're not even saying it back... I'm offended.' Leah says causing Courtney to smile.

'You know that I am completely and utterly head over heels for you... I always have been and always will be.' Courtney replies.


'Come on then, trouble.' Leah says smiling as she opens the car door and unfastens Bunny's carseat straps.

'Wally?' Bunny asks as Leah lifts her out the car and places her down beside her.

'Mm-hmm... Wally is going to be here and Beth. All the girls should be here today actually.' Leah replies grabbing the little girl's bag from the backseat before putting her hand out for the little girl to hold. Locking her car, she begins to lead the little girl into the training centre where they are immediately greeted by Beth and Steph who are lying on the floor with Win.

'Win!' Bunny squeals glancing up at Leah who smiles and nods her head. Throwing herself down on the floor next to Beth and Steph, Bunny giggles as she reaches out to pat the dog.

'Hello, little one... Nice of you to join us today.' Beth says smiling as she pushes some hair out of Bunny's face.

'We're going to put you to work, aren't we? Stick you in goals and see how many you can save?' Leah says watching as the little girl shakes her head.

'No, I play defe-defe-' Bunny tries to say before shaking her head.

'Defence?' Steph suggests and the little girl nods her head.

'Yeah, like Lele.' Bunny replies.

'Okay well that is the cutest thing I've ever heard...' Beth says glancing up at Leah.

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