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Pulling into the carpark at London Colney, Leah can't help but smile slightly as she spots Beth leaning against the wall outside the entrance. It's been a few days since the game, since they found out about Beth's pregnancy and they've just been spending time as a family. They finally got Bunny the goals Leah had promised her so they've spent so much time in the garden playing with a ball. Pulling into a parking space, Leah grabs her stuff and gets out of the car, making her way over to where the blonde is stood.

'What you doing hanging around out here all on your own?' Leah asks smiling as Beth shrugs her shoulders.

'I was just waiting on you... Wanted to make sure you were okay, that Courtney's okay. I was gonna message or phone but I just- I didn't want to push you both.' Beth admits. Dropping her bag, Leah sighs and immediately wraps her arms around Beth who leans into her embrace.

'You don't have to worry about us, Beth... Court and I are okay. We're so, so happy for you and Viv. You guys are going to make the most wonderful mums.' Leah says softly.

'You don't have to say that, Le... I understand that this cant be easy for you guys. I mean I just- I know this must be a lot to process and I promise we didn't want to tell you guys like that but I just-' Beth mumbles and Leah shakes her head as she pulls back to look at the blonde.

'Look, there is always going to be a little part of Courtney and I that are missing. Nothing is ever going to change that but that doesn't take away how happy we are for you both, it doesn't take away the love we have for you guys and that baby... Has it taken us a few days to process the fact that we can be sad for us and our situation while still being so incredibly happy for you guys? Absolutely but I can't wait to meet and love on your little bubba.' Leah says watching as tears fill the blonde's eyes.

'Yeah?' Beth asks quietly.

'Mm-hmm...' Leah replies smiling.


'Mumma, someone at door!' Bunny shouts causing Courtney to smile as she makes her way out of the kitchen to where the little girl is bouncing on the heels of her feet.

'I heard... Will we go see who it is?' Courtney suggests and Bunny nods her head. Grinning, Bunny rushes towards the front door and waits for Courtney to catch-up with her before the brunette unlocks the door and opens it.

'Papa!' Bunny squeals immediately launching herself into Tom's arms causing Courtney to smile.

'Dad... I wasn't expecting you.' Courtney says smiling as he keeps Bunny balanced on his hip while using his free arm to wrap around his daughter.

'I thought I'd surprise you... I'm sorry I haven't managed to get down sooner, since the well you know.' Tom replies causing Courtney to shake her head.

'Don't be silly... I'm so happy to see you. Come on in.' Courtney says smiling. She gestures for her dad to make his way into the house. They make their way in an immediately Beau comes bounding in from the garden causing Bunny to giggle.

'Look Papa! A puppy!' Bunny says grinning.

'Oh my goodness, this must be beautiful Beau. I've heard so, so much about you, little guy.' Tom says as he bends down, Bunny balanced on his knee as he pats the dog.

'How long are you down for dad?' Courtney asks.

'Three days... Do you and Leah have plans for tonight?' Tom asks and the brunette shakes her head.

'Nope, she's at training until this afternoon and then I think we were just going to have a lazy night.' Courtney replies.

'Why don't you guys go out tonight? Spend some time just the two of you? I can have Bunny... We can have a Papa and Bunny night.' Tom suggests.

'Dad, you've just got here. I can't ask you to do that.' Courtney replies shaking her head.

'You're not asking me to do anything, I'm telling you to do it.' Tom says smiling.


'Well this is a nice surprise that I really wasn't expecting today...' Leah says smiling as she glances at Courtney who is sitting in the drivers seat.

'Mm... I know. Dad was pretty insistent that we make the most of him being here and spend some proper time together.' Courtney replies smiling as Leah's hand settles on her thigh.

'When you said date night, I just assumed dinner.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'So did I initially but dad insisted that we book into a hotel and get some peace and quiet... I think part of him feels guilty that he didn't make it down right after the miscarriage.' Courtney admits.

'I bet Bunny was excited to see him.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Over the moon.' Courtney replies smiling.

'I have a meeting with Sarina on Friday after training.' Leah says softly.

'Yeah? Is that about selection?' Courtney asks and Leah shrugs her shoulders.

'Sort of, I guess... I want to make her aware of my potential decision to retire, Court. I just- I've been thinking about it non-stop and I feel like I need to make her aware of where my head is before she decided whether or not she's calling me up.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'Sounds like a sensible decision, bubs.' Courtney says causing Leah to smile.

'Does it affect your decision the fact that Beth is pregnant? Obviously if you leave post-world cup then you'll have already played your last England game with her.' Courtney asks causing Leah to sigh.

'I would love to play my last game with all my people but I also know that I need to do what's best for me, what feels right for me and if that's leaving the world cup I can't let things like that affect it. I'll still be playing with Beth at Arsenal, that's not going to change.' Leah replies and Courtney smiles.

'True... How is she? Was she at training today?' Courtney asks and Leah nods her head.

'She was... She was worried, felt guilty about how we'd found out that she was pregnant. I reassured her that we're both okay and that we're going to absolutely love the bones of that little baby once they're here.' Leah replies.

'Mm... I feel so bad that she's feeling so guilty.' Courtney says.

'She's fine now. We spoke about it all, had a cuddle and reassured her that we're all good.' Leah replies smiling as she gently squeezes the blonde's thigh.


'I know we're supposed to be going out for dinner and spending some proper time together...' Courtney begins causing Leah to smile.

'But you want to stay curled up in bed and just order room service?' Leah says running her fingers through the brunette's hair as her head rests on her chest.

'Mm-hmm...' Courtney replies softly.

'I honestly couldn't think of a better idea, Court.' Leah says causing Courtney to smile.

'Yeah? You're not mad that we're not going out?' Courtney asks and Leah shakes her head.

'You, food, this bed... Couldn't think of a better way to spend the night.' Leah replies.

'I'll grab the menus in a minute.' Courtney mumbles, her eyes closing as her fingers tap against Leah's shoulder where her hand rests.

'There's no rush. They do service until half 10 anyway so we have plenty of time.' Leah replies, her free hand moving to cover her mouth as she yawns.

'Fuck me when did we get so old? A kid-free night and here we are just lying in a hotel bed, both of us struggling to keep our eyes open.' Courtney says laughing.

'Mm... I think we spend so long being constantly on the go that when we get a moment like this, a moment of quiet we crash.' Leah replies quietly. Silence fills the room as they remain lying in bed, wrapped up in each other's arms, the steady sound of the blonde's heartbeat lulling Courtney to sleep only for Leah to follow minutes later, neither of them caring about the fact that it's barely 6pm and they haven't even ate dinner yet.

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