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She's standing by the window, a muslin cloth flung over her shoulder as she cradles Tilly against it and gently rubs the newborn's back. It's a little after 10am and their first night with a newborn actually went a lot smoother than expected. Tilly went down for the night around 10pm and was up at 2pm and again at 6am for a feed meaning they both managed to get some pretty decent sleep although she's not naïve enough to believe that's always going to be the case.

'Your Auntie Beffy and Auntie Viv are coming to visit you this morning with your little birthday buddy.' Leah says softly as she gently sways from side to side.

'Hopefully we'll get home today.' Courtney says slowly making her way out of the bathroom, her hair still wet from the shower she's not long had.

'Mm... Doctor shouldn't be long before they come round to see how you are.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head as she snakes her arm around the blonde's waist and tucks herself into her side.

'How are you feeling?' Leah asks.

'Rough. I'm achy but I'll be okay. It was worth every single minute of it.' Courtney replies smiling, her head resting against Leah's chest.

'Do you want me to ask the nurse for some pain killers for you?' Leah asks and immediately Courtney shakes her head.

'I'll be fine. I probably just irritated things when I was having my shower, bubs.' Courtney replies smiling as Tilly murmurs in Leah's arms causing them both to turn their attention to the newborn.

'What time is it? Will she be due a feed?' Courtney asks glancing down at her watch.

'Mm... Probably, why don't you go get yourself sorted and I'll bring her over?' Leah suggests and Courtney nods her head.

'Thanks, bubs.' Courtney says softly as she slowly begins to make her way back to the bed.


She's unable to keep the smile off her face as she watches Beth and Viv make their way into the hospital room, Beth slowly pushing the plastic crib containing their newborn. It's a little after lunchtime and the nurses have agreed to let Beth and Viv come for a short visit.

'Hi...' Beth says softly as she glances at Courtney who's sitting on the bed with Tilly curled up against her chest.

'Hey... Congratulations.' Leah replies smiling as she instantly makes her way over to wrap her arms around each of her friends.

'Congratulations to you too... How tiny does she look?' Beth says smiling as she glances down at Tilly in Courtney's arms.

'Come have a cuddle if you like?' Courtney offers and Beth immediately nods her head.

'Oh look at him.' Leah says softly as she peeks inside the plastic crib at Freddie causing Viv to smile.

'He looks like his mumma. You can pick him up.' Viv replies smiling. Carefully Leah lifts Freddie into her arms as Courtney passes Tilly to Beth.

'I can't quite believe they were born on the same day.' Leah says shaking her head as she makes her way over to Beth who is cradling Tilly in her arms.

'She makes him look absolutely giant.' Beth replies laughing as she glances between the two newborns.

'How are you guys doing? Beth said you had a rough time of it?' Viv asks making her way over to hug Courtney.

'We're doing okay, aren't we?' Courtney replies glancing at Leah who nods her head.

'And she's okay even though she was a little early?' Viv asks.

'Mm-hmm... They've done their tests and stuff and other than being a little on the tiny side she's absolutely perfect, feeding like a champ and everything.' Courtney replies smiling.

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