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Keeping her hand resting against Bunny's back, Leah smiles slightly as the little girl's head rests on her chest as Leah gently swings from side to side on the chair as she keeps her eyes focused on her former teammate in front of her.

'You obviously missed the last world cup due to injury, Leah. Although it meant you got to sit in the crowds with me which I know you loved... How did missing out on that major tournament affect you?' Jill asks causing Leah to sigh slightly.

'As much as I did enjoy spending time in the stands with you, it definitely wasn't easy. I think- Well at the time I think I was so focused on my recovery that I didn't even realise how much the entire thing had affected me until months after my return when it all started to sink in... It was hard watching the girls and not being able to do anything to help them.' Leah admits.

'Are you hoping to make the World Cup this year? Your departure from the last England camp has clearly left some fans worried about you.' Ben says and Leah nods her head.

'Definitely, I've made myself available for selection but ultimately the decision comes down to what Sarina believes is best for the team. The last camp was difficult; we had a situation which obviously meant I had to go home but that hasn't affected my ability or desire to be chosen for the World Cup squad.' Leah replies.

'What would it mean to you? To win the World Cup? Obviously we all seen your emotions when we won the Euros and you've gone on with the team to retain that title of European Champions, how would it feel to be world champions?' Jill asks.

'Oh, it would mean the absolute world. I think- It's the thing we're all searching for, you know? We're all looking for that win, that feeling and that next achievement... We've worked so hard to get the team to where we are today and I think a World Cup win would just be the icing on the cake.' Leah replies.

'It can't be easy though when you have to leave to go to camp? Does having to leave all this behind impact on the time you have at camp?' Ben asks gesturing to Bunny who remains half asleep in her arms.

'I mean it definitely has an impact. I've always been close with my family so I've always had those people at home that I miss but it's just a different feeling now. You want your time away to mean something because no one wants to spend that much time away from home, from the people you love for nothing... And it makes the wins even sweeter when your people are cheering for you in the crowds.' Leah replies causing Jill to smile.

'Can we talk about the fact we've seen your partner Courtney and the little one rocking those Arsenal tops in the stands but even during the Euros we didn't get to see her in an England shirt...' Jill says causing Leah to laugh.

'She's not English, Jill... I honestly think she'd rather be in the stands topless than wearing an England shirt but that's alright. I don't need her wearing an England shirt, I just need her there.' Leah replies smiling.


'Okay podcast shit aside and all that, how are you doing? Like honestly? Are you ready for the World Cup?' Jill asks as Leah glances over at the counter where Shelley has Bunny perched on her hip picking a cake out of the display cabinet. They're sat in a quiet area of Boxx2Boxx, away from the rest of the customers meaning no one can hear them.

'Physically, one hundred percent ready. Mentally, I'm not entirely sure how I feel... Can I tell you something but I need you to promise me that you won't breathe a word to anyone else?' Leah says and Jill nods her head.

'You know you can, Leah.' Jill replies.

'I've made Sarina aware of my intentions to retire from international football after the world cup... It's going to be my tournament and that both excites and fucking terrifies me.' Leah admits causing Jill to smile slightly.

'I mean that's a huge decision, Le.' Jill says and the blonde nods her head.

'I know and it's not one that I've made lightly. I've thought about this for ages, I just don't want to leave Court and Bunny anymore. It's no secret we're hoping to start a family and I just don't want to leave that all behind. I want to be able to take my little family on holiday, to spend time with them and not be constantly traveling away from them.' Leah replies causing Jill to smile as she reaches over to rest her hand on the blonde's knee.

'It's a scary decision to step back from something that you've always known and loved but when it's the right time you'll know, Leah.' Jill says softly.

'That's what everyone keeps saying and honestly it feels like the right time... Court and I- Well actually we've just done our second transfer and I want to be there, you know? I don't want to spend most of her pregnancy, if the transfer works, traveling because I'm on international duty.' Leah replies.

'I can tell that deep down you know you're making the right decision for you and for your family, Le. Now you just need to go win this world cup and go out on a high.' Jill says smiling.


'Oh look who finally decided to come home.' Courtney says smiling as Bunny runs into her arms and she lifts her onto her hip.

'Sorry, traffic was insane coming back.' Leah replies shaking her head.

'I'm kidding... Did you guys have a nice day?' Courtney asks, her free arm wrapping around Leah's waist and pulling her into her side to press a kiss against the side of her head.

'Mm-hmm... We brought you home some cake from Jill and Shelley.' Leah replies gesturing to the little brown box she's set down on the counter.

'Mm... Delicious.' Courtney says smiling.

'How are you feeling today, love?' Leah asks softly.

'Bit crampy but nothing that I can't put down to side-effects of the medication.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head. They're four days past transfer and to say they're both so incredibly nervous would be an understatement. Kissing the top of the blonde's head, Courtney smiles as Bunny drops her head to rest on her shoulder while reaching one hand out to grip onto Leah's shirt.

'Fancy a Chinese for dinner? You both look absolutely shattered and I can't be arsed cooking tonight.' Courtney admits and Leah nods her head.

'Chinese sounds delightful.' Leah replies smiling. They make their way through to the living room where Leah grabs the menu while Courtney sits down on the sofa, a smile on her face as Bunny cuddles into her.

'She practically slept throughout the entire recording of the podcast.' Leah says gesturing to Bunny causing Courtney to smile.

'I'm sorry you had to take her...' Courtney replies and Leah shakes her head.

'Don't worry about it. Honestly Jill loved seeing her and then Shelley let her pick this huge cupcake to eat. She had a ball and she was an absolute angel.' Leah says smiling.

'So I know the squad isn't out yet and that but I booked tickets to fly out to LA for me and Bunny.' Courtney says causing the blonde to raise her eyebrows.

'Yeah?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head.

'I was speaking to Jen and she said that she'd love to see us, that she'd show us around and that we could even stay with her for a bit.' Courtney replies causing Leah to smile.

'Yeah? Sounds good. I think even if I don't make the squad we can turn it into a nice little holiday for us.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... What if you don't get picked, Le? Obviously you've said that there's no guarantee you'll be picked so how does that work with you stepping back from international duties?' Courtney asks and Leah shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. I'm not sure if I'll just step down anyway. Make it known that I don't want to be selected anymore.' Leah replies.

'Just need to wait and see how I feel.' Leah adds and Courtney nods her head.

'I missed you guys today.' Courtney says softly, her head resting on the blonde's shoulder.

'We missed you too.' Leah replies. 

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