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'I don't think I'm going to come today. Your mum said she'll take Bunny with her and then you can bring her home...' Courtney says softly as she glances at the blonde who is packing some bits into her bag ready to travel for the game.

'What? Why? What's wrong?' Leah asks immediately turning her attention to the brunette who shakes her head.

'Nothing. I just- I don't feel up to it, bubs. I'm a little tired.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'Okay... If you're sure there's nothing wrong?' Leah says.

'Mm... Good luck today. Always rooting for my Lele.' Courtney replies smiling as she kisses the blonde's cheek.

'Let me know if you need anything, yeah? I can bring dinner home if you want?' Leah suggests causing Courtney to nod her head.

'Sounds perfect. I'm gonna go upstairs for a lie down.' Courtney says. The blonde silently watches on as Courtney quietly makes her way out of the living room and towards the stairs where she makes her way up to the bedroom. Carefully dropping onto the bed, Courtney lets out a small sigh as she grabs hold of her phone and begins to scroll through her social media.

'Why does she never leave her bump alone... We get it, she's pregnant, stop rubbing it in everyone's faces'

'She's absolutely huge! Swear she must be about to drop at any minute'

'She's fully milking this pregnancy. Bet she's got Leah run off her feet.'

Tears stream down her cheeks as she places her phone back on the bedside table and rolls onto her side. The comments have been nonstop lately and as much as she tries to not let them bother her, she'd be lying if she said they haven't made her feel extremely self-concious when out and about now.


'How's Courtney?' Emily asks as Leah sits down at her cubby to fix her boots.

'She's good. She's feeling a bit tired today so she's not coming to the game.' Leah replies and Emily nods her head.

'How's she dealing with all the social media stuff?' Emily asks.

'What do you mean? What social media stuff?' Leah asks causing Emily to sigh.

'There uh- There's been some comments and stuff on her posts lately... They haven't always been the nicest.' Emily explains.

'She's not mentioned anything.' Leah says grabbing her phone. Going onto Courtney's Instagram profile, she immediately begins to  scroll through the comments. The amount of just downright nasty and cruel comments about Courtney, about her bump and the pregnancy make her heart ache.

'I didn't realise you didn't know about them... I'm sorry.' Emily says and Leah shakes her head.

'No, I'd rather know. I don't really look at comments and stuff so I had no idea.' Leah replies as she immediately begins to compose a new text.

To Beth:
Are you coming to the game today? If not could you do me a favour? Emily's just told me about the horrid comments Court's been getting online. She was supposed to be coming to the game today but this morning she said she wasn't and just didn't seem herself xx

From Beth:
Coming to the game. On my way to your place first though. Will check on her xxx

Sliding her phone back into her bag, she lets out a sigh and glances at Emily who is sitting beside her with worry written over her face.

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