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courneyxlawson: Night away in the capital with my love and we were both tucked up in bed before it was even dark outside🙈😂

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courneyxlawson: Night away in the capital with my love and we were both tucked up in bed before it was even dark outside🙈😂

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amandailestedt: mum life 😂 we did the exact same the other week ❤ hope you guys had a good nights sleep 😂
       ~ leahwilliamsonn: the best! Slept like a log honestly.
bethmead_: legs for days leahwilliamsonn


Wrapping her arms tightly around Courtney's waist from behind, Leah can't help but smile as the brunette drops her bag into the boot before leaning back in the blonde's arms.

'I had the best night away with you... Even if we did spend most of it sleeping.' Leah says softly as Courtney's hands rest on top of hers.

'Mm... We should try make this more of a regular thing. Not necessarily overnights but date nights, at least once a month.; Courtney suggests and Leah nods her head.

'Sounds like a good idea to me... What time is it? How long until your dad is expecting us home?' Leah asks.

'He's got Bunny at softplay so he said there's absolutely no rush for us to be home. It's just before twelve, I think.' Courtney replies.

'Can I have the honour of treating you to lunch? We can have a mooch around the shops then head back home?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... I couldn't think of anything better.' Courtney replies smiling. Loosening her grip on the brunette, Leah smiles as Courtney spins around, her arms instinctively wrapping around the blonde's neck.

'I love you.' Courtney says leaning up to press her lips against Leah's.

'I love you too.' Leah mumbles. Resting her hands on Courtney's hips, Leah instinctively pulls the brunette flush against her body as Courtney runs her fingers through the blonde's hair at the back of her neck.

'Right let's go before someone snaps a picture of us and it ends up all over the internet.' Courtney whispers against the blonde's lips causing her to smile.

'Always the sensible one.' Leah says softly.


'Oh how pretty is that...' Courtney says softly as she gestures to a beautiful but simple halo set ring in the window.

'Mm... That's lovely.' Leah replies smiling.

'You wear a lot of rings.' Courtney says, her thumb brushing across Leah's hand as the blonde nods her head.

'What's your favourite kind?' Courtney asks and Leah shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't really have a favourite kind. I just- Well I like them to have meaning sometimes. Although I don't necessarily like anything too big... Why don't you wear any rings? Do you not like rings?' Leah asks.

'I've just never found one that I liked enough to wear.' Courtney replies shrugging her shoulders.

'I used to actually wear my mum's ring but it ended up being too small for me when I was pregnant and it's just never fitted right again.' Courtney says and Leah nods her head.

'Ah okay... If you had to pick one, what kind do you like? Is it that one?' Leah asks gesturing to the ring Courtney had pointed out.

'Mm... I do like that one. I like the simplicity of it.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'Yeah, it's nice.' Leah says smiling.

'Is marriage something you'd want? I know that obviously things with your mum and dad didn't work out and I know that situation has kind of put Elle off marriage now.' Courtney asks and Leah shrugs her shoulders.

'Mm-hmm... It's nor something I'm opposed to. For a while I didn't think it was something I wanted because I knew how quickly it can go wrong but as I've got older I've realised that just because it didn't work out with my parents doesn't mean that marriage doesn't work.' Leah replies. Her hand gently squeezes the blonde's as she pulls her into her side and kisses the top of her head.

'I love you.' Courtney says softly.

'I love you too.' Leah replies smiling.


'Thank you so much for having Bunny last night.' Leah says as she sits down next to Tom and passes him the beer in her hand.

'You don't have to thank me... I'm glad you guys had a good night. I'm sorry I couldn't get down when the miscarriage happened. I just- I couldn't get the time off work.' Tom says and Leah shakes her head.

'Don't be silly. You're here now and that's the main thing, I know Courtney has really loved seeing you.' Leah replies smiling.

'Can I speak to you about something?' Leah asks softly as she turns to face Tom who immediately nods his head.

'Of course, anything.' He replies.

'I want to ask Courtney to marry me. I really love her, Tom. I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy... I would love to have your blessing.' Leah says biting her bottom lip as Tom grins.

'You absolutely have my blessing, Leah. I haven't seen Courtney this happy, this content in such a long time. The way you have wrapped both her and Bunny up and surrounded them by love has meant the world to me.' Tom replies.

'I uh- I haven't made any plans yet, don't even have a ring but I wanted to make sure I spoke to you before I did any of that.' Leah says causing Tom to smile.

'Well you one hundred percent have my blessing, Leah. I know you'll do everything you can to make my little girl happy.' Tom replies and Leah nods her head.

'I really will.' Leah says softly.

'You're what I always hoped for when I thought about a partner for Courtney, a step-mum for Bunny. It was always someone kind, someone caring and someone who very clearly loved them both. I can see that you do, I can see that you mean the world to Courtney and you make her feel safe.' Tom replies.

'She means everything to me, Tom. I didn't think I'd find someone like her, I didn't think I'd find love again but she flipped my world around.' Leah says smiling.

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