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one week old.

'I need to pop out and do a shop today, love. We've got barely anything in.' Leah says as Courtney curls into her side. Nodding her head, the brunette tilts her head to look up at the blonde, a small smile on her face.

'We could all go? Get out the house for a bit. I mean- I'll probably walk slower than a snail but it would be good to get out.' Courtney replies.

'Yeah? We could do that. I don't mind how slow you can walk, we can just take our time.' Leah says leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

'What time is it?' Courtney asks.

'A little after six. Try get some more sleep, love. I can get up with Bunny when she wakes.' Leah replies glancing over at the clock on her bedside table.

'You've been up with her every morning this week, Le.' Courtney says.

'And you've been up throughout the night feeding Tilly... Equals.' Leah replies.

'Well you've also been up when I've been feeding her.' Courtney says.

'It doesn't matter, I'm not arguing with you. I'll get up and give Bunny breakfast, you can have an extra hour or so in bed... Try get some sleep, Court.' Leah replies.

'I love you, bubs.' Courtney says smiling.

'I love you too.' Leah replies softly. Settling back down in the blonde's arms, Courtney lets out a small sigh as she closes her eyes in an attempt to get back to sleep. Closing her own eyes, Leah rests her head back against the pillow as she keeps her arms around Courtney. Lack of sleep has absolutely been their biggest adjustment since bringing Tilly home; Tilly wakes every three hours during the night for a feed which has resulted in many naps during the day especially when Bunny is at nursery.


'We've done it all before, and now we're back to get some more. You know what I mean.'

The music plays quietly in the background as she dances around the kitchen with the three-year-old, something which over the years had become a bit of a morning ritual whenever they can.

'Twenty-Four! Lacasse' Bunny shouts causing Leah to laugh as she shakes her head.

'God, you've spent too much time in the stands. Haven't ya?' Leah asks smiling as she spins the little girl in a circle.

'Running down the wing!' Bunny continues causing Leah to shake her head.

'You're going to wake mumma and Tilly, you crazy girlie... Do you want to help me make mumma some breakfast for when she wakes up?' Leah asks attempting to distract the little girl who immediately nods her head.

'I'm already awake...' Courtney says softly causing Leah to glance over at the door where the brunette is standing with Tilly cradled in her arms.

'Did we wake you?' Leah asks and Courtney shakes her head.

'No, this one needed changing.' Courtney replies as Leah immediately lifts Bunny onto her hip and makes her way towards Courtney.

'Morning Tilly!' Bunny says leaning forward in Leah's arms to kiss the top of the little girl's head.

'How you feeling?' Leah asks softly as she reaches out to move some hair out of Courtney's face.

'Good, I feel good... Ready for our first little outing as a family of four even if it is just to Tesco.' Courtney replies smiling.

'I was actually thinking... Why don't you invite Wally over after training if she isn't busy? She can finally come meet our little Tilly now that she's back.' Courtney suggests.

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