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Colors, oh colors, how they inspire,
Filling the world with hues that transpire,
A palette so vast, a beauty untold,
A wonder to see, a sight to behold.

From deep blues of the ocean's deep,
To fiery reds of the sunset's sweep,
From the greens of the forest's shade,
To the purples of the flowers' braid.

Colors bring life to the world around,
A symphony of hues, a vibrant sound,
A canvas that's painted by nature's brush,
A masterpiece that fills us with hush.

They evoke emotions, colors do,
A red that's bold, a blue that's true,
A yellow that's bright, a green that's calm,
A rainbow of colors, a soothing balm.

And in the colors that we wear,
We express ourselves with flair,
A reflection of our inner light,
A statement that's bold, a sight so right.

So let us cherish the colors we see,
And let them inspire us to be,
A life that's lived with passion and grace,
A rainbow of hues, a vibrant embrace.

Shades of emotions: A Journey through poetry Where stories live. Discover now