13 | 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿

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After our dinner, Jungkook left our room and made his way to the other bedroom. Taehyung was as usual, resting. And me, I was going to doze off, but had to do the dishes too. I kept on moving my hands in the dishes and finally, the dishes were done.

I kept the silicon gloves away and started saundering away. I was so sleepy, I felt the way too long. But at last, I was twisting the doorknob to our room. "Where is he?" I just entered, and he was ready with a question. "He is resting in the other room." He nodded. I walked over to the couch, grabbing my phone from the table nearby. I checked onto the orders I had. Dumb of me for not handling the orders before they return.

"I was thinking of not working till I get better." Thank god he understands his health is important. I nodded at him. "Do you really like me?" My fingers stopped scrolling through my phone. I averted my gaze to him, he stared at me. How could I forget about this?

I sat there, fighting the urge to tell him the truth. "I-I do." He smiled widely at me, and I couldn't help but to smile back. I looked down at my phone, staring at the screen. But my mind was somewhere else. For sure, I am shy. But what can I do?

"Why stare at the phone, when you have me?" Doesn't matter if he is in a bad condition, flirting is a must. "I-I am just checking onto the orders." He chuckled. I know how red my cheeks are.

"Is it more important than me?" I prioritise him first and he is talking about what is more important. I just shook my head. He grinned so widely, and no way my heart won't flutter by such a beautiful grin. "Can we sleep now?" He asked, and I nodded at him.

I raised up from the couch and strolled over to the bed. I lied down in the bed, away from him. "Closer." He muttered, I frowned. "No, you will be hurt if I touch you.", I defended. "I am not afraid." He is really selfless. Just a while ago, he said that he will not work, because he is not fine. And now, he is not even afraid of getting hurt.

I stared at him, in disbelief. He stared back, as if he said something too prideful. "No." That was the most I could tell him. I turned away from him, my back facing him. "Rude." I heard him whispering.

I switched off the lamp. Darkness surrounded us, along with him shuffling on the bed. I grunted and turned to him. He was sitting on the bed. "What are you doing? Why don't you sleep?" He didn't respond, and slowly threw something away. It took me a minute to realise that it was his shirt that he threw away.

"Why did you remove your shirt?", I glared at him, and it was obvious that he won't catch me glaring at him. "Because I wanted to." I stifled out a sigh and turned away. Simply closing my eyes, I decided to ignore him.

"You're ignoring me?" I cared the least to answer him. He needs to understand that it is already past two in the morning and we need to sleep. "It is hurting." I turned to him, "Where?" I eyed his body. A little bit of what I saw was him pointing at his heart. "It hurts over here when you ignore me. So, can you please not ignore me, mrs.kim?" How bad I wanted to grab his face and tell him it is too late to flirt right now.

But no doubt, he is good at it. It will be a lie if I say he failed to make me blush. He does it smoothly, without much efforts.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Nothing." I felt him curling his arms around me, slowly pulling us closer. He hummed when his head rested on me. I closed my eyes, accepting the fact that he is worth some cuddles.

Another morning, with the beautiful birds chirping with their lovely voice. It was a heavenly sight to see sun shine so bright, and send those glowing rays to us. Soft sunrays hits me, and I loved how the sun woke me up.

I let out a deep breathe, glancing over to the Mr.Handome sleeping beside me. Unlucky me, had to adore his face covered with those band-aids. But why let myself down just because I cannot see his face today? I have my whole life to adore him.

I chuckled at my own thought and jumped out of the covers. Amazing how it was raining a few hours ago and it is so sunny right now. I stumbled to the white shelf, picking out a pair of macha green pencil skirt along with a simple green shirt.

And as expected, I ended up in the washroom for an hour. Of course, pampering myself up. Planing onto new ideas, thinking about my day before, thinking about what may happen today, palnning today's schedule, it is what I do in the shower. And of course, I have been bragged for it by my mom.

When I was done, I walked out of the door. He was asleep, as expected. I picked my hairdryer up, taking it to the washroom. I had a great time watching myself in that mirror.

And that is how my mornings pass away. I walked out of the door, now in the passage. I peeked into the other bedroom, only to find Jungkook snoring softly. I walked into the room, turning of the air conditioner. It was cold outside and he was sleeping with the air conditioner on. I could have pulled his ears. But I can't.

I walked out of the room, making my way down the stairs, to the kitchen. I wore the apron. Gearing myself up with the spatula, pan and a knife, I started off with the cooking.

After a long time, I was done with messing up the seasonings and vegetables. What did I cook at the last? A total mess. I sighed at my own cooking. "People say I have magic in my hands. And here, my cooking....." "But you do have magic in your hands." I looked at the entrance, there stands Jungkook with his bunny smile.

"What was the need to come here? I could have brought breakfast to the room." I said, yet he chuckled before walking to me. "I am fine. You look after your husband. Also, did you tell mom I am here?" "Of course, I did. She was braggigng how you put yourself to danger and end up shredding your blood."

He grunts out in annoyance, "Ah, mom." "What do you mean? She is absolutely right." He rolls his eyes. "Here, eat your breakfast. 'Cause rolling your eyes won't help anyways." He shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the chair.

It was pretty late, so I decided to check on Taehyung. Surprisingly, he was awake. "Taehyung?" "Oh, I was wondering if you cooked something for me." "Of course. Let me get some food for you here." It was a long way from the bedroom to the kitchen, and then vice versa. But lastly, I was here.

I placed the tray down on the bed. Sitting in front of him. "Here." "Can you feed me?" "Huh? Why?" "I can't move my hands." I looked at him with a grated look. "But didn't you eat by yourself before?" He chuckled, "I did." "Then?" "Then, of course, I want to eat by your hands, honey." He pinched my cheeks, I stared into his eyes.

He fools me pretty well with these flirts, and I, being the dumbo, gets into his trap. "Please." His honey-like voice didn't help either. I picked up the chopsticks, forwarding some food in his mouth. His delightful yet heart fluttering smile looked so pure.

I cannot deny the fact that he is soft, so soft......."Thank you." He sounded so happy....

Words countdown: 1300+ words

Sorry for the late update. I was a little busy with something *i am lazy*. But i hope this chapter was worth it. Though it was short, I still took two days to edit it. Sorry, once again. I am just getting lazy with the book. Otherwise, I am fighting the urge to complete the book as soon as possible.

Also, Thanks for reading. I will TRY to update this book soon💜

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