𝐱𝐢. 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞!

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✧ 7th December 1994 ✧Manchester

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✧ 7th December 1994 ✧

affectionate tonight."

Maia threw her legs over the back of the couch, herself sprawled all over the surface with a bottle dancing in her hand. She lifted it up at one of the road crews—–Callum, acknowledging his presence in the backstage room. "Don't know what you're on about mate. I've been in my zone, all alone in here."

He raised an eyebrow at the girl. It wasn't a strange sight to see her intoxicated, and frankly it was something that everybody around them were familiar with, including having to see the drummer and bassist matching her energy. But as of late, ever since they left San Francisco, it was agreed that she had been acting much more reckless, going as far as going missing when she was meant to be doing sound checks, and showing up much later than Sophie would have liked.

They expected the rest of the band to showcase some sort of concern, only Carti and Anette shrugged her behaviour off, explaining that she had her seasonal moments, just like when she had gone rogue shortly after her father passed away (which was very early on in the band's years), and it was something that continued to happen each time the anniversary came closer and closer. This time wasn't any different. Or so they thought. They believed that it had everything to do with her late father, though they didn't stop to wonder if a certain Gallagher had been the root of the problem as well.

Callum hummed unconvincingly, pushing her feet off the top of the couch and watching as it fell down onto the surface, making the girl frown up in confusion at him. "Soph's saying that you've been giving her a lot of hugs tonight." He mentioned, recalling the moment about half an hour ago, when Sophie came up to a few of them and whispering how she felt haunted by the fact that Maia Harket, of all people, was giving out hugs like it was a form of kind charity. Maia Harket, they thought. The frontwoman who scowled whenever anyone of them tried to even touch her. The girl who didn't let anybody lay their hands on her unless it was certain that she was getting into bed with them. "You've got the whole crew freaking out, Mai. Nobody's dared to come in here because they're scared of being hugged by you."

"But you're in here!" She chimed in, grinning toothily up at the younger boy. She did like Callum, he was very soft-spoken and mellow, which wasn't something that one would often find in the industry. She always wondered why he was working with them, Callum was far too good to be surrounded by such influence. But he always expressed his love for music, and that was the reason why he was there. Even if he was often mildly horrified whenever he was met by the reek of booze and the scattered powders and pills, or the scandals that he couldn't escape from hearing.

Maia wiggled a finger in his direction. "You're hoping for a hug aren't ya?"

"From you? Never." He pretended to grimace, shaking his head persistently. Everybody had left Maia alone in the room, not one daring to approach the girl simply because of the unusual behaviour that she was displaying. And it didn't help that Anette and Carti were nowhere to be found, and not there to snap her out of it. The two of them was somewhere around before, but had slipped out away from everyone else's eyes for quite some time now. "Do you know how terrifying that sounds? It's like waking up to a sleep paralysis."

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