𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝

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✧ 3rd December 1995 ✧London, England

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✧ 3rd December 1995 ✧
London, England

Noel Gallagher arrived to dinner thirty minutes earlier, something that Maia was grateful for. She knew that the Gallagher brothers weren't popular for respecting scheduled times, with Liam being the worst.

They were in the kitchen talking over each other when the door bell rang, and Morten, who always relished in bothering his younger sister—–pushed her out of the way and sprinted to the door, hoping to be the first one to greet Noel, and most likely to also bully the guitarist.

Joan and Camilla laughed at this, gleaming at the sight of Maia rolling her eyes and dropping back down on to the kitchen stool, no longer bothered to get up and join Morten by the front door. The two of them were close even when they were much younger, and Morten was very protective of Maia. He always promised her that he would make every boy in her life a living hell. But he says that, and continues to befriend them all.

Maia only occupied her time by repeating back the inaudible nonsense that her niece was uttering to her, Marie being sat on a high chair. She could hear Noel's voice erupting, and the distant conversation he was having with Morten. She could also tell that they were laughing, though she tried not to pay too much attention to it simply because she knew that Joan and Camilla would be fixated on her now that Noel arrived.

It was Morten who returned back to the kitchen first, with Noel trailing behind him gradually. Maia let out a minor smile at the sight of Noel by the hallway, and she snuck out of the kitchen when she realises that he was calling her over with a finger.

"Is there anything ya want to fix before the lot of them sees me?" He asked under his breath, an arm hidden behind his back. Noel was aware that Maia would want the dinner to go well for them, and recalling the time she fixed his appearance back in Sam Francisco, he assumed she would want to do the same this time.

He released a chuckle upon knowing he was right, because Maia unbuttoned the first few parts of his top, much like she had done the last time. If he was being honest, he deliberately left them that way. He knows Maia well enough to recognise her opinion on him buttoning his clothes all the way to its collar. She said it made him look like an asshole, a really stuck up one. He purposely arrived that way so she could fix it for him. "You look very pretty—–really fucking beautiful." He tells her, watching as the Norwegian girl smoothen out the fabric against his chest. "I've never seen this dress before, looks amazing on ya."

"Thanks." She smiled, delighted. It was enough for her to push aside the remembrance of Liam himself calling her beautiful. She didn't mean to think about it, but neither Noel nor Liam ever really complimented her looks in such a way before, and whenever they do, it seems to have capture her breath. "You don't look half bad either.. now that i've made you look less of a stuck up wanker. How many times do I have to tell you to stop buttoning all the way up? Christ."

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