𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧

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✧ 19th May 1995 ✧Wales

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✧ 19th May 1995 ✧

THE ATMOSPHERE was excruciatingly unbearable for Maia Harket and Noel Gallagher.

Having to witness the girl he has perturbingly planted his gentle words upon leave him behind for his own brother, that was something he found difficult to move on from. And a part of him was devotedly angered with Liam's existence, how for as long as the younger boy made his presence known, Noel was pushed down to second place.

It wasn't exactly subtle either. The brothers' heightened tension and back to forth argument seemed to have swirl them all around in questioning, wondering what it was that escalated it. But they didn't have to dig far down for an answer, because the culprit was sitting right there in the living room with them—–occupying the residential recording studio in Rockfield, Wales.

She was sat in front of the telly with Liam's arm warming up behind her, the group of them chattering and yelling at the football match that was being showcased. And while everybody occasionally filled Maia on about the game (considering she wasn't much of a football fan), Noel kept true to himself and ignored ever looking into her direction.

"I don't get it."

Liam laughed at her indisputable confusion, the girl frowning towards the band as they tried to explain the overview of the Premier League championship. "Alright, like this man." The younger Gallagher started, speaking next to her ear, a hand pointed at the telly. "Manchester United needs to win this one, yeah? They win this game then they've won the Premier League. Now, Blackburn's losing right now, but if United draws to West Ham—–then Blackburn wins the league even if they lose this game, cause they've got a point more."

"Okay.." She trailed off, eyebrows furrowed. "So you want Manchester United to win then? Because that's your team, right?"

"I'm going to fuckin' shove me vomit down yer throat." He exclaims with a revolt, the boys chuckling at Maia's amateur mistake.

Bonehead smiled at her. "Wrong club mate." He told. "He supports Manchester City——same city and all, just different clubs. I support United."

"Well that's fucking silly." She huffs out, throwing her head back on to Liam's arm behind her, he grinned down at the girl. "What d'ya need two clubs in one city for? Sounds like a daft and inevitable civil war."

"There's like ten mega clubs in London." Alan White informed her, eyes crinkled when she gawked at him.

"Ten!" She repeated, tossing her attention between the Manchester United match on the telly, and back to the boys. She then turned to glance at the Mancunian boy next to her, whose attention was fixated on the match. "Two clubs in Manchester and you choose to support the rotting and naff one? That's quite embarrassing."

He scoffed at her, not failing to notice Noel's brief stare at the two of them. "Watch yer foul mouth. It's yer club now too."


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