Chapter 11: Hikaru is hurt, I repeat Hikaru is hurt. Again.

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Rengoku looked over at Hikaru once again while he was talking to Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Insouke while also patting Nezuko on the head. He hadn't said anything but there were quite a few things that worried the Flame Hashira but for now he would stay silent unless he needed to speak up about it.
"It's worrying, isn't it?" Uzui's voice came from beside him and he nodded.
"Yes, it's like that one action, that when his hair was cut he began to believe that he no longer had the right to live" Rengoku said.
"In a way I guess you could say that" Uzui sighed.
"I told you about the Akatsuki that I used to know so I know a little more than normal people but they are taught from a young age that they are to never let their hair get cut more than 2 centimeters at a time. If they are, they are told to avenge themselves by taking the life of the person that cut their hair and then kill themselves. It is taught to them for years so it is deeply ingrained in them" Uzui explained.
"Other words. If Hikaru does not find something to live for before we defeat Kibutsuji there is a chance that he may not have the will to continue to live" Rengoku sighed. He would hate to see such a bright light dim until it was eventually gone.
"We'll just have to help him then," Giyuu said. The Sound and Flame Hashira jumped, they had forgotten that he was sitting close enough to hear them.
"Would he really do something though? He seems close to Tanjiro and Nezuko" Kanroji said. It seems that it wasn't just Giyuu but all of the Hashira had sat down again.
"If he believe that Nezuko and Tanjiro would be fine without him than he would be fine with leaving them" Obanai said.
"I just wish that we knew more about the Akatsuki and why they aren't allowed to cut their hair," Shinobu said. If there was some reason then she wanted to be the one to unravel it, though that was unlikely.
"I can't remember but the name Akatsuki sounds familiar to me....I wonder where I heard it," Muichirou said. This caught them off guard. It was a miracle that he even remembered that he had heard the name let alone that he spoke up about it. Ubuyashiki who heard that couldn't help but think that perhaps the Akatsuki family had ties to the first demon slayer after all he also remembered the name but he never got told more than their name in passing.
"He is stubborn. If he wants to keep living he will, no matter the ghosts that haunt him. Goes the other way as well, if he decides that he wants to give up nothing will change his mind, no matter how many reasons he has to live" Sanemi scoffed.
"That reminds me, how exactly do you know Hikaru?" Shinobu asked the question that they all wanted the answer to.
"None of your business" Sanemi sneered. Instantly Shinobu's eyebrow twitched and if Ubuyashiki wasn't present she would have thrown back was just as sharp and vicious.

"Genya, Kanao, why don't you two come and sit with us?" Tanjiro offered to the other two that were at their final selection.
"As if" Genya scoffed as he looked away. He was still holding a grudge against Tanjiro and Hikaru a little bit, for what happened at the final selection. Kanao flipped her coin and then moved to sit a little closer. Hikaru was quick to restrain Zenitsu who was about to gush about her beauty.
"You can go ahead if you want but I'm not sure that Shinobu will allow you to live if you make her little sister uncomfortable. Best to keep your gushing in your head" Hikaru warned and Zenitsu gulped. While Shinobu was a beauty in her own right, she was also a Hashira which to Zenitsu made her scary, really scary.
"Are you sure you don't want to?" Tanjiro asked Genya who just clicked his tongue and looked away.
"It's beginning" Tamayo said and everyone turned back to the rock slab.

Groaning, I pushed myself up from where I was laying on the forest floor and looked to see a large puddle of blood underneath me that was blurry. I couldn't help but think that perhaps this was where I was going to die. Let's go back and I will explain what happened to put me in this state.

"What the fuck?!" Sanemi exploded as he jumped to his feet, he wasn't the only one thinking it but he was the first one to speak it.
"What happened?" Tanjiro asked as he looked at Hikaru who winced.
"Did we miss something?" Zenitsu demanded.
"That amount of blood isn't good," Shinobu said as she looked at how much blood was on the ground.
"Kiruha is stronger than that, this won't stop him" Inosuke boasted, while he might not even realize himself but his aura showed how worried he was.
"It's got nothing to do with how strong he is" Genya snapped and the two hot-heads glared at each other.
"Calm down, remember that this is still in the past, this has already happened. I have no idea why they decided to show it like this but I am still here and not dead" Hikaru reminded them. That did nothing to settle them but they at least took a few breaths and sat down again so they kept watching to see what happened.

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