"It seems that I must apologize once more to Tanjiro, Nezuko, Hikaru," Ubuyashiki said.
"You really don't need to apologize, we understand why you didn't tell the Hashira about Nezuko before," Tanjiro said.
"Really? I don't really understand why Oyakata-sama didn't tell us, would you mind explaining?" Rengoku questioned. He would never question Ubuyashiki's decisions, but he would at least like to understand the decision and he wasn't alone in that thought.
"If you had all been told about Nezuko, you wouldn't have believed that Nezuko was different so you would have hunted her down, thinking perhaps that she had used a blood demon art to trick Oyakata-sama and I can understand that since you only want to protect him" Tanjiro smiled sadly. Now that he had met Ubuyashiki and seen in the future scenes just how sick he was, he could understand wanting to save Ubuyashiki from any demon that thought to hurt him so he didn't blame the Hashira's for their reaction. Sure he didn't like that they were trying to kill Nezuko but he believed in Nezuko, she would make them see that she was different in the scenes just like she had done here.
"Because he waited to inform you about this until he was there himself, he knew that you wouldn't act out in front of him because you respect him too much," Hikaru finished explaining. None of them could really deny that as none of them wanted to fight in front of Ubuyashiki, as it was Sanemi in the scenes was very much pushing the boundaries.
"I apologize as well," Kanroji burst out, making everyone look at her bewilderment. Everything had started to become silent before Kanroji spoke loudly.
"Sorry" She apologized, covering her face that was bright red. She wasn't the only one that was blushing as Obanai looked away, blushing as he thought of how cute the Love Hashira was.
"It's okay, but why are you apologizing?" Tanjiro asked, tilting his head in confusion. Kanroji hadn't shown any hostility to Nezuko and even seemed to be the first one in the scenes that would actually accept her.
"I was there but didn't do anything. I should have spoken up and stopped everyone else before they got too out of control but I didn't do anything" Kanroji said.
"You can't be blamed for what happened, in a way they can't be blamed either. Emotions can make fools of everyone" Hikaru said. He had seen over and over again as people's emotions took over them and made them act before they could think.
"Like when you always get hurt to protect those around you?" Uzui blankly asked.
"Hey!" Hikaru exclaimed.
"Exactly like that," Tanjiro nodded.
"What have you all just decided to start picking on me?" Hikaru demanded.
"Yes" Zenitsu, Inosuke, Tanjiro, Uzui, Rengoku and Giyuu said all together.
"We will continue to bring this up until you finally learn that you need to stop getting injured for us," Tanjiro smiled. He made sure to smile to make sure that Hikaru knew that they were just joking around and that he did appreciate the scars that Hikaru now had because of himself and Nezuko.
"Good luck, you know first hand how stubborn I am," Hikaru warned and Tanjiro winced. He did indeed know how stubborn he was.
"You have a sword," Akaza surprisingly said. Everyone was expecting the demon to stay silent like he had been during the breaks, (they still didn't fully know about the conversation that Akaza and Hikaru had during the last break).
"Use it to stop the blows instead of your body. You're only human so your body can only take so much but you carry those swords for a reason do you not?" He asked.
"And when those swords break, like they did here, what then?" Hikaru enquired. He was actually interested in the answer that Akaza would give, after all it was easy to see that he was strong, very strong.
"Train your body more so that you can dodge any attack coming towards you, train your body to become strong so that you can get those you want to protect out of the way, train your body to be fast enough that your blade won't ever be stronger enough. I thought that would have been easy enough to understand" Akaza scoffed.
"In that case, I'll have to make sure that I train harder" Hikaru said. Zenitsu looked at Hikaru in horror. They had seen the training that he had done while with Urokodaki and now he wanted to do more than that? Would Hikaru even survive that?! Because Zenitsu definitely wouldn't!
"Training sounds good," Tanjiro agreed. Just remembering how useless he felt as he watched Hikaru and Nezuko get hurt by Rui made him determined to get stronger. Strong enough so that the situation would never be the same again.
"I wouldn't mind training you" Rengoku piped up.
"Hey, you can't just try and claim them for yourself. I should definitely be the one to flamboyantly train that blonde one" Uzui said. Zenitsu paled, he just knew that Uzui wouldn't be as gentle as Jii-chan had been.
"Yeah, yeah, you can't just claim them all," Kanroji nodded. Even though Rengoku was the one to train her, she wasn't going to back down on this.
"Hahaha, Lord Inosuke doesn't need anyone's help to train," Inosuke cackled.
"They use water breathing techniques," Giyuu pointed out. Other words, he would be the best one to train them.
"But Tanjiro and Hikaru both used styles that looked more like flame breathing styles" Rengoku said.
"Why don't you just do hashira training?" Hikaru suggested.
"Huh?" All of the Hashira, even the ones that hadn't been speaking, questioned.
"It isn't just us that need training you know, all of the lower level demon slayers need to be trained so come up with some training. We'd have to do it in rotations because the demons wouldn't just stop but it could be done" Hikaru said.
"That sounds like a good idea," Ubuyashiki said. He had been trying to figure out ways for the demon slayers to become stronger and training with the Hashira's had come to his mind from time to time but he had waved it off since they still had to deal with the demon. However if they did training in groups, with the Hashira training them as well as taking them to hunt demons as part of the training perhaps they could actually pull something like this before.
"The timer is about to finish counting down" Genya said. He wouldn't say anything but the thought of getting trained by the other hashira other than Himejima who was already training him, (especially his brother), made him have to hide his excited smile.
"We will continue to speak about this later" Ubuyashiki said and everyone nodded.

Characters react to: Demon Slayer Dawn of the Sun
FanficBefore Hikaru, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke leave the wisteria house to Mt Natagumo they are brought to a field and told they are going to react to there past and future. They aren't the only ones there either and everyone wants to know, who...