Chapter 16: Hikaru gets even more hurt

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Everyone was still a little startled by how loud Tanjiro was, at least  everyone by Nezuko who stood up and started to pat her brother's head as if she was trying to calm him down.
"Nezuko is right Tanjiro, just calm down," Hikaru said.
"Calm down? How can I calm down when you are in the hands of one of the twelve kizuki, injured and by yourself?" Tanjiro demanded.
"You can calm down because I am still alive. Rui hasn't attempted to kill me yet and with him claiming to want me as a lover, it means that he won't want me dead. You can also remember that both Giyuu and Shinobu have been sent by Oyakata-sama to assist us and they should be arriving at any moment" Hikaru reminded them all.
"Hikaru is correct. We can also remember that this is the future, this has yet to happen therefore if something unfortunate does happen then we have a chance to make sure that it doesn't occur this time" Ubuyashiki said.
"Even if it is in the future it is still hard to see" Himejima sighed. He was happy to see Ubuyashiki, his fellow Hashira's, Genya and the other demon slayers, he also wished that he didn't have to see them getting hurt or being injured.
"I just hope that you are okay as well Tanjiro" Hikaru said as he looked at his friend. With everyone worrying about Inosuke and Zenitsu and then worrying about himself they hadn't really discussed about where Tanjiro had disappeared to. In fact himself in the scene hadn't even made a note of his aura which was somehow even more distressing than seeing Inosuke and Zenitsu's aura's starting to dim down.
"I'm sure I am fine. Perhaps Insouke and I got separated while trying to fight against that Father Demon" Tanjiro smiled, he was worried as well. He had no idea what these demons would do to Nezuko if they found out that she was helping him.
"Maybe there were two demons that you split up to fight against them," Zenitsu suggested.
"They must have managed to get quite far away from each other since Hikaru didn't see their aura's," Uzui said.
"Either way we didn't see a dimmed aura therefore he is still alive" Rengoku said.
"Let's hope that it stays that way," Giyuu said. Honestly he was a little upset at himself that he wasn't on the mountain yet. He knew that he was only human and could only travel so fast but while he and Shinobu were busy traveling, others were in danger.
"It's starting again," Kanroji said as she looked up from where she was playing with Kabimaru. None of them were sure they wanted to see what happened yet but at the same time they wanted it to hurry up and show them what happened so they could stop worrying.

Before my crimson sword even touched Rui's neck three different spider webs appeared to stop it and broke my blade into three different pieces. Just like my sword, any hope of me getting away from Rui broke before my eyes. Rui turned to me with a frown on his face and his eyebrows pinched together in displeasure.

"That's not good" Hikaru winced as Tanjiro's hand grabbed his and squeezed tightly.
"You don't say?" Sanemi scoffed. He was tense and looked like he wanted nothing more than to jump into the scene and kill the demon. In fact all of the Hashira's looked like they wanted to be in the scene.
"But now.... You don't have a weapon" Genya realized. Hikaru's short sword had already been broken and now his proper colored sword was broken as well.
"And you have also just angered the demon," Kanao pointed out.
"Let's just hope that he is still determined to keep Hikaru alive," Zenitsu said, his hands clasped together. To be honest he hadn't known Hikaru all that long but he still saw him as a friend and didn't want to see him continuing to suffer.

"I guess I will just have to show you what happens when you disobey me, but first" He said, reaching towards my face. I tried to jump back to stop him from touching me but the webs around my body tightened making me grunt and stop my movements. Feeling cool air on my face I saw that Rui had taken my fox mask off and was now staring at me with a slight blush on his face.
"You are just as handsome as I thought you would be. There is the problem with your scars but once you become a demon that won't be a problem anymore. We are going to stay together on this mountain with my family and you are going to protect and love me forever" Rui said before dropping my mask on the floor.

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