🥀 - chapter 56 -🌹

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(Evander perspective)
The tears didn't stop; I felt so much pain. I felt so much sadness as I heard and felt Helena through our connection. I looked to my right, where her friends stood, worried and chained to the wall. Ominis was crying as well. He flinched with every scream he heard from Helena. Sebastian and that blonde woman only laughed and smirked at each other, like they were on a whole other planet and didn't notice.

This had to stop. This was her family, Her father.. And all he wanted was power. Our ancient magic was his goal. He needed it to become a powerful wizard and destroy humans without magic. Muggles, he called them. He drained my memories to sort and find out where the roots of my magic lay. And now he was doing it to her. He already had a piece of it, Isidora's magic. And now he needed mine or Helena's to complete it.

After a couple of hours, Helena's screams fainted. She was tired and hurt. And Ominis looked at me with worried eyes. ''Is he done?'' he said in a low voice. I nodded. ''He is done with the Legillimens now, he's waiting a couple of minutes now before he's going to start with a rare potion. I'm not sure what it's called, but it's some kind of truth serum. He used it on me as well, and after a minute, he started to ask me questions, and i had to answer them with the truth... i couldn't lie. I tried and i tried but it just didn't work..''

Garreth coughed as he shot a happy expression at me. ''I know that one! It's the Veritaserum. It has a clear color, like water.. There is no smell to it, and it tastes like nothing. I always wanted to brew that one.. But it's not that simple'' and he chuckled. I looked at Ominis again. ''After the potion works out, he lets her escape her chair to run away. So her mind can wander freely without any hesitations, blocks or mind-bending. When he captures her again, he tries to Legilimens her for one more time. After that, he brings her back to the dungeon to rest.'' Ominis sighed, ''I hope she's alright..''

A loud bang echoed through the dungeons, and I heard Helena screaming again. ''She's fighting him!'' I said to her friends. ''She found a wand and tries to kill Alaric at the moment''

Anne looked at me with a curious expression. ''How do you know that? Are you like a seer or something?'' i gave her a smile. ''No, I'm not. It's our soulmate connection; Alaric explained it to me a few days ago. If we are close to each other, I can feel her, and she can feel me. It's like our Magic is trying to find a way to the other half. See it as broken glass; if you throw it on the ground and it breaks into two pieces, it's broken in half. And if you want to fix it.. It's becoming one piece again. Well, that's Helena and me; our magic is thorn in two seperate pieces.. We have this magical bond between us that no one understands. It's physical magic. We couldn't stop our feelings for the other.. It feels like an addiction, the power.. The magic.. It takes over our bodies. When we kissed...'' And i gave Ominis an I'm sorry expression, and he nodded to me.

''When we kissed and shared her first night in the orchard, it was pure magic. Sparks flew from our fingers like lightning from the clouds. It was really intense and beautiful. But it is also very dangerous; there is no limit to it or to our feelings. We'd hurt Ominis on the way, so we decided to go our own way''

I heard footsteps coming closer and louder, and Alaric stepped into our dungeon with an unconscious Helena in his arms. Her body was covered in bruises and blood across her face and arms. ''HELENA! NO!'' Ominis shouted. ''YOU'RE A MONSTER!'' Anne snapped at him as she cried when she saw Helena's body. ''You're not worthy of the title 'father' if you hurt your children like that''. Garreth spit in his face as he walked past him, and he carried her in and laid her on the ground in the sand.

Alaric looked down to helena her body as he sat down on the stone bench and removed Garreth's spit from his face. ''She does look more like her mother..'' He said it in a soft voice as he grabbed an apple from his pocket and took a bite. He looked at me, ''Do you remember Ronald, that black haired man with a moustache?'' and he took another bite. I didn't respond to his question i just looked at him full of rage. ''He's probably her real father.. guinevere did cheat on me with him before she was pregnant.. And after her pregnancy, she did it again.'' Another huge bite into his apple as he watched to his ring, ''Such a shame we can't ask Ronald about the real story..'' He stood up and snapped his fingers, and the apple disappeared. ''Unless some of you can talk to ghosts, of course... Then we can ask dear Ronald if it's true'' and he laughed.

🥀 Roses and Novels - Sebastian Sallow - Ominis Gaunt (Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now