Chapter 2: Nora

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    Hi! My name is Nora, I am a Sheikah from Kakariko Village. But I've always wanted to explore Hyrule and get my revenge on the nasty awful Yiga clan… Right, I'm guessing you don't know who they are so I'm going to quickly explain. The Yiga clan are no good traitors that I HATE!!! 
         Sorry, I get off topic sometimes, but the Yiga clan killed my parents when I was 5. I hardly remember it, all I remember is my parent’s frantic movement as they moved in front of me to protect me. I could smell the fire that the Yiga clan had placed, setting the village aflame. My parents were highly skilled warriors but were no match for 5 Yiga foot-soldiers.
I remember their screams as their stomachs were ripped out. With their nasty sickles, thankfully they fled but not before I made up my mind to get my revenge someday. After that day, I was taken in by a wonderful woman named Impa. She used to tell me about what's beyond the village, and also about this person named Link. I remember seeing him here when I was young. He was quiet but had this look in his eyes that told a story.
        When I first saw him it was when I was 7, Impa's birthday was approaching and I wanted to make her a cake and I needed some eggs. So I climbed into the Cucco coop…BIG MISTAKE the Cuccos ambushed me. Thankfully Link heard my screams as they flew towards me and got me out of there. I was embarrassed having no eggs for my cake and lots of little feathers stuck in my hair. But he and Impa started to laugh. I haven’t seen him around in a while, I hope he’s doing alright!
        GUESS WHAT!!!! Today is my birthday and Impa said that I was ready to have something…. IT WAS A Eightfold longblade! Impa said it used to be my mother’s and she knows that my parents would be so proud of how much I’ve grown. It’s so pretty with its perfect blade and purple and blue handle… I wish you could see me now Mom and Dad!!!
     Today I was practicing outside, and I saw Link coming over to Impa’s house, with the princess!!!  I decided to go in and see what they were talking about. “Calamity Ganon is coming, it has foretold this.” I could hear Zelda murmuring. Even though Link doesn’t speak I could see hints of fear in his eyes. He may be the strongest knight in all of Hyrule, but only a fool wouldn’t be afraid of Ganon. “All of the champions are meeting at the castle tomorrow and…” Zelda was still talking so I moved a bit closer to hear what she was going to say… BUT I lOST MY FOOTING AND FELL DOWN THE STAIRS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!!!
      I was extremely embarrassed so I ran outside. Outside I put an apple into one of the statues that were missing an apple outside Impa’s house.
         “YAHAHA YOU FOUND ME!!!!!”  I jumped in surprise, as a Korok appeared out of thin air! I then picked him up and put him on my shoulder. He seemed pretty pleased being carried around, but after a while, I set him down where he flew with his little leaf pardigader-thingy. After that I saw Zelda and Link leaving so I went back inside. Impa was in her room, so I crept up to my room trying to be as quiet as a mouse. I’m going to the champions meeting, I decided, No matter what

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