Chapter 5: The champions meeting

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Runa’s Pov:

Well, I suppose today is the big day.  The champions have an important meeting to discuss the Divine Beasts and Calamity Ganon.
                 Each champion can bring a companion if desired, surprisingly Revail asked me to join him.  I accepted, I could tell he’d never asked someone with something of such importance or really anything for that matter due to him blushing from embarrassment. 
It was hard not to laugh, I knew if I did he’d scold me so I held it in.  I was nervous about going. 
I hadn’t seen a Hylian before, not even the princess.  But I’ve heard many wondrous things about them.  Although Revail isn’t too fond of the Hylian Champion Link, I was still nonetheless excited to be meeting him.  I had been waiting by Rito Stable for Revail to accompany me on our flight to Hyrule Kingdom.  He had been taking a while but I didn’t really mind. 
I knew he was most likely styling the scarf he was given.  It was a beautiful blue color.  He told me Princess Zelda made it herself, hopefully it won’t be too rude if I asked her to teach me how she made them sometime..Soon I saw him walk down the bridge tightening and adjusting his scarf. I smiled and waited for the signal to start flying or I guess what he’d call “Flapping to it!” It was corny but not at the same time. He gave me a thumbs up and soared up into the sky beginning the long journey.
I soon joined him in the sky not trailing too far behind.  Occasionally he’d look back at me to see if I was still following him or if I hadn’t Fallen.  We landed at a stable fairly close to Hyrule Castle, we stayed there for a while to regain energy and chill out for a while. Revail wandered off at some point to grab ingredients for something to eat while I started a fire.
He came back a little while later with a Hearty Salmon, Butter, and Wheat. Yum, Salmon Meunière.  I wasn’t expecting him to make my favorite was thoughtful of him.  I didn’t know whether he went back to Rito Village to get the ingredients or he already had them depending on how long it took him to get back to the stable.  Either way it was still sweet and I thanked him, he rolled his eyes in a reply.
At Rito stable I’ve seen Hylians around but not close up.  At this stable I got to see them close up. It was..interesting.  They’re way different than Ritos, and honestly it was nice with a different change of pace.  While I watched Revail cook I listened to the fire crackle. It was calming. I needed to get out of Rito Village, I grew up there my whole life..Soon after I had gotten lost in thought Revail was done, he snapped to get me to pay attention. 

Revail: “Runa.  It’s rude for you not to eat the food I made.  After all it is your favorite, is it not?”

Runa: “Oh-  Sorry..It is my favorite just…Sorry Revail, thank you..”

Revail: “Mm.”

Revail raised an eyebrow questioning why I was apologizing.  He knew something was off about me today.  It was obvious. 

Revail: “Runa, not to prude. *Ahem..* not that I care..But, are you alright?  You don’t seem like yourself..”

Runa: “Yeah, I’m fine..Just a Little nervous that’s all..”

I smiled weakly and took a bite of the Salmon Meunière, it was delicious.

Runa: “Umai!”

  Soon Revail took a bite as well as we both split the food.  It was a peaceful time.  I was still a little tired from the flying, but still ready to fly again.  I might as well get used to all the flying.  Although, the Salmon Meunière did give me a little more energy. 
Revail nods his head and stands up.  I stand up as well, grabbing the forks, knives, and plate.  I returned them to the stable thanking the worker running the stable.  We grabbed our belongings and began our flight to the castle.  Soon we arrived, the town was cute.  The Hylians were overjoyed to see us upon our arrival, we made it up to the castle gates and were granted entry making our way up to the meeting room inside the castle. 
There, Princess Zelda and the Hylian Champion Link were already awaiting for the other champions and their desired acquaintances' arrival.  Me and Revail had been the first to arrive so far, soon Princess Mipha and Xina from Zora’s Domain had arrived.  I knew Xina well, she was my best friend.  I stood behind Revail holding my wings behind my back.  Princess Mipha and Xina came over and stood by us as well. 
Me and Xina had a brief conversation before the other champions arrived.  Chief of Gerudo Village, Urbosa arrived with a guard, and the Goron Champion Daruk arrived as well, he hadn’t brought anyone..I assume he possibly had forgotten before a Hylian followed behind him..I couldn’t tell if they were a boy or a girl due to them being covered in rock and mud..I assumed it was a lady based on further observation. 
I thought we were done waiting before Impa and Purah arrived. The champions and Princess started to argue about how to take action against the Great Calamity Ganon, whilst the rest of us stood there slightly concerned.  I heard rustling and banging behind me and I turned to see nothing but the meeting room wall.  Although I was suspicious of someone listening in so I kept my guard up.

Nora’s Pov:

It was dawn when I packed my stuff for my GRAND ADVENTURE TO THE CASTLE!!!!! Thankfully Impa was still asleep so I didn’t have to worry about being caught by her. But I left her a note explaining where I was going and when I was probably going to be back. I gently lifted up my Eightfold longblade from where it was on the stand in my room. It almost slipped from my hand, but I caught it right before it fell on the floor.
I crept downstairs quiet as a mouse and opened the door and let the breeze go through my hair. As I walked the empted road of the village I thought of my parents. I really feel like they would be proud of me, I’m not that 5 year old scared and afraid anymore. I’m a 14 year old girl who is ready to face the world head on!
Then I saw IT!!!! It was a beautiful horse that was solid black and I knew I had to tame it instantly. Thankfully being a Sheikah I was a master of stealth. So I quietly crept near it and mounted it. Thankfully it didn’t kick me off. It was actually pretty calm and let me ride around it and allowed me to have complete control without a fight.
I decided on naming him Sullivan!!!! I rode Sullivan into the field out looking at the castle and I thought I could almost see a hint of red glow pulsing from it! Weird must have been my imagination, oh well. After a few hours of riding Sullivan I reached the castle. It was heavily guarded, but thankfully there was a vent  that I crawled into. Finally being 5’2 has a perk, take that to all my friends in the village!!!!
As I made my way through the castle I could hear some people arguing so I made my way towards that. I found them, the champions, with Link and the princess! They were arguing about what to do about Great Calamity Ganon and I went above the vent to hear a bit better. AND IT APPARENTLY COULDN’T HANDLE MY WEIGHT AND I FELL FACE FIRST IN THE MEETING ROOM!!!!!  

Abisa’s Pov:

Now that we had arrived at the Castle, I stood by the others who were chosen to accompany each champion.
             We listened to the Champions bicker about what strategies and attacking points would work the best.  Me and a Rito heard a strange noise though.  We both looked at each other..soon that strange noise turned out to be an eavesdropper..


I yelled furious about the sudden intruder , I pulled out my sword and pointed it at them with anger burning in my eyes.

Nora: “Please calm down, my name is Nora. AND WHY WOULD I WORK FOR YIGA CLAN THEY KILLED MY PARENTS!?”

Impa: “Nora..If I may have a word with you..” Impa glares at the young girl furious but also not at the same time..

She took the young girl outside of the meeting room and returned a bit later with the girl again.  Only this time the girl stood off to the side with the rest of us..

Impa: “Now then, let us continue..Shall we?”
She smiles sweetly as the champions and Princess Zelda soon begin to argue again..I sighed.  This was going to be a while.

Nora’s Pov:

So I was caught which sucks but I still get to stay which is a positive, but the champions won’t stop bickering like children which is driving everyone nuts!!! 
                As I looked in my bag to find something to stop me from losing mind. The KOROK from yesterday popped out… How in the name of Hylia did he get there?!  As he tumbled onto the table with his cute little tree branches happily saying “YAHAHA YOU FOUND ME!!!!!!” It was chaos.
        Abisa I’m pretty sure that was her name, started screaming and shouting like she was dying.  Revail and Runa just looked at it with the weirdest expression ever in the history of Hyrule. Xina a Zora who came with Mipha looked shocked like she had never seen such a thing and it was a reincarnation of Hylia herself. Link, Zelda, and Mipha just sat there peacefully and looked confused at the chaos that was happening. Impa was chuckling with Daruk and someone covered in mud and rocks. And Urbosa was holding Abisa down to stop her from stabbing the poor thing to death.


Urbosa: “No, Nora take it away please before she goes even more crazy!..”

I gently picked up the Korok and placed it in my bag before anything worse could happen. It looked up at me with a huge grin on its leafy face as I tucked it away…

Princess Zelda: “Well, I suppose that has gotten us to all stop arguing..Let’s start the real meeting now, no more fighting, no more arguing, and no more..Koroks.  Is that clear?”

As everyone started to calm down from the recent chaos, they resumed debating how to defeat Calamity Ganon..I guess Koroks can solve a lot of life's problems..

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