Chapter 14: The search

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3rd person again

Nora: “Before we go any further, Pelia, you have to listen to us, and whatever you do, DO NOT CAUSE CHAOS do you understand?”

Pelia thought about it for a second

Pelia: “Fine, but no promises”

Nora: “That's good enough for me I suppose..”

Runa was flying above nearby looking ahead the path to see if there were monsters or possibly any Yiga..

Nora: “RUNA!”

Runa, after hearing the loud cry, immediately flew to the ground in a spiral.

Runa: “Nora?  What’s wrong, are you ok, is anyone hurt?”

        Most would think when looking at Runa that she’d be relatively similar in attitude to Revail, or at least somewhat similar.  Although, yes they did have similarities, Runa and Revail were almost polar opposites.  Runa cared for people more, showed concern and made people in her presence after getting to know her have a feeling of safety and general protection.

Nora: “I appreciate the concern Runa.  We’re alright, I just wanted to check in with you, is there anything weird happening up ahead at all?”

Pelia: “If there is, can I check it out!?”

Runa: “Nope!  Can’t risk anything..Anyways, to answer Nora, yes there are a few monsters up ahead.  Nothing we can’t handle though.”

—------------------Time Skip to Zora's Domain—--------------

Nora: “ felt like those Moblins and Bokoblins just kept on coming..”

Runa: “Yeah, I’ve noticed that feels like there’s just an unlimited supply of them.”

Pelia was rambling about how cool Runa and Nora were when fighting.


Runa: *Smiles and laughs* “No problem kiddo, just glad you're safe.”

Pelia: “You think maybe I could have a few of your feathers?”

Nora: “Pelia!  That’s extremely rude!”

Pelia: “What, it’s a genuine question..Please Runa..?!”

Runa: “Nora it’s fine, and maybe..we'll see how you behave while we're at Zora’s Domain.”

Pelia: “I’ll behave I promise!!”

Nora: *Sighs* “Ok then actually do it!”

Pelia stuck her tongue out at Nora and Nora scrunched up her face looking at Pelia annoyed.

Runa: “Guys, cut it out.  Can you please try and get along?  I understand you’re upset at each other from earlier..but please try and get along.”

Pelia: “I’ll only do it if she does it..and if she apologizes.”

Nora: “Me apologize to you!?  You literally called me stupid and threatened to kill me.”

Pelia: “You did the same to me!”

Nora: “Fine..I suppose I do owe you an apology..I’m sorry Pelia..”

Pelia: “Thank you, and..I’m sorry too for kinda being a jerk back there.”

Runa: “Alrighty, are we settled and ready to get along now?”

Pelia and Nora: “Mhm”

Runa, Pelia, and Nora after the semi long journey to Zora’s Domain, walked up to the entrance and were granted entrance from one of the Zora guards.
     They made their way up to King Dorephans throne room while Pelia made many quiet Oo’s and Aw’s as she took in every detail of Zora’s Domain.

King Dorephan: “Why hello must be Revail’s Apprentice and Impa’s Adopted child?”

Nora: “Yes your highness.”

King Dorephan: “I don’t mean to prude, but Runa is it? Hm, aren’t you supposed to be at the meeting today at Hyrule Castle?”

Runa: “Yes your highness..I left to come look for Nora, I had recently been notified she went missing, I got worried and said i’d look for her after the meeting, but my anxieties got the best of me and I left..too early I suppose.”

Pelia: “OoOo, sounds like someone’s in trouble!!”

Nora: “Shut it, dingus..”

King Dorephan: *laughs* “Ho ho!  It seems like you have quite the little travelers with you Apprentice Runa!  Hopefully they get”

Nora: “I-uh..I apologize your highness..” 

King Dorephan: “Not to worry young one, now.  What have you come all the way to Zora’s Domain for?”

Nora: “Well, we have been informed of recent reports of rogue guardian attacks appearing at and around Zora’s Domain..Is this true?”

King Dorephan: “Sadly I’m afraid so, if you’re planning on hunting them down..I advise you to be extremely careful..Princess Zelda has enough on her hands as is.  We don’t need valuable people parishing so suddenly..”

Nora: “Y-yes your highness..”

Nora sighed in relief.  Thankfully King Dorephan was a very easy Zora to work with.  Runa smiled as they left but soon scolded Pelia for being an instigator.

A little while later…

Nora: “I don’t understand..King Dorephan said that most Guardians have been spotted close to Ploymus Mountain..Hm..”

All of a sudden *BAM* a Guardian glowing Maroon came out of nowhere and began to attack the three caught off guard warriors.  Pelia immediately pulled out her forest dwellers sword and began to attack.

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