Chapter 26: Attack on Vah Medoh...

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Runa’s Pov:

I came back to Rito Village around 5:30..It was almost dark outside. The air was cool and crisp.
   I assumed Revail was still at Mount Lanayru because I hadn’t seen him at all.
I went to my house and found a small note on my desk.

           Dearest, Runa
      I won’t be at Rito Village for a while due to the journey to Mount Lanayru, although I’m sure you’ve already guessed this.  I hope to be back home soon.  Hopefully you are well..You scared me having run off like that..Please stay safe.

I smiled, I appreciated the small note even if I didn’t need the closer.
     I picked it up and folded it, putting it away into a box of notes and letters we would give each other.
    I found the first note he gave to me..It made me laugh, we were so young back then-

The note read this:

I couldn’t help but notice you’re good with the bow. Although you could use some work when drawing the arrow back, if you want, meet me at Warblers Nest and bring your bow and arrows.

Wow..He sure was cocky.  We were only 10..Such good memories.
    Even though sometimes after coming back home from training I would be crying.
  At the time I guess I didn’t realize I was Revail’s only friend.
I kept looking through all our old letters, they all brought a smile to my face.
   I felt nostalgic as I saw the evolution of our handwriting and vocabulary..Also how much more serious conversations became..

    I have been chosen as a Champion..I’m slightly nervous, But there’s a plus.  I get to have an apprentice.  I was wondering if you’d possibly like to be my apprentice?  I hope you will join me.


I can’t believe he wrote that almost a year ago..It amazed me how fast time has flown by..
   Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the ground shaking.  I looked outside and saw Calamity Ganon rising above the castle.  Medoh had made a horrible screeching noise that was worse than its previous screeching..
     I flew up to Medoh quickly..I knew Ganon had taken control of it..Due to Revail’s absence I had to try and take back Medoh on my own.
   As soon as I had gotten up to Medoh and opened its doors I saw Malice..I shot away most of it.  Making my way throughout Medoh I had successfully activated all the terminals..Now it was time to take back the Main Control Unit-

Revail: “Runa!?”

Runai: “Revail?”

Revail: “Have you activated the terminals?”

Runa: “Yeah..”

Revail: “Great..Now all we have to do is-”

Runa: “The Main Control Unit.  I was just about to activate it when you came.”

Revail walked up to the Main Control Unit.

Runa: “Dou ka go anzen ni..We have no idea what could happen

Without hesitation he activated the Main Control Unit, the wind began to whip rapidly and it was raining.
All of a sudden a disgusting beast, Windblight Ganon appeared..Having sprouted from the Main Control Unit.
     It screeched and thrashed around,
           I tried to move forward and attack but I was abruptly stopped by Revail.

Revail: “Don’t..I don’t want you getting hurt..”

For Hylia’s sake, as if he couldn’t be any more stubborn..
   I attacked Windblight from a distance..
A few time’s I’d hit it right in the eye..
Occasionally Revail would fly past me and throw his bow up in the air, catch it, and shoot bomb arrows at the beast.
     After what felt like hours of fighting I could tell Revail was getting tired.
Windblight had hit him a few times..It was dark outside and the rain and wind only got worse..The dark is horrible for our vision.
         For a split second there was silence and then illuminated the scene..Windblight slashed Revail’s wing.
    I could see the blood drip down onto the floor..

Runa: “Revail!  STAND DOWN!”

Of course he didn’t listen and kept getting thrown back..the more he was doing this the more weak he was becoming..

Revail: “I-I’m fine..Just a few more blows and it’ll be-”


Another burst of lightning I could see Windblight begin the start taking aim on Revail who had been laying there trying to get out of the way..
     I didn’t care anymore what he wanted me to do, he’s being foolish.
  I flew down there thankfully in time pushed him out of Windblights aim..Who instead began to take aim on me.



I began to fly up at the wrong time..Windblight had spot on aim on my left leg.


Blew clean off..
   I screamed in pain..god the amount of blood..I most likely would bleed out at this point..
Blood was all around me as it spread due to the rain water carrying it all around the ground..
    Windblight had begun to rip out the arrows from his eye and threw two at me which both pierced my skin even going through my arm and leg..At this point because of the amount of blood loss I had gone into sock..

Runa: “Your life is much more precious than mine, Revail..”

Revail:  “RUNA!”

Runa: “..Please..tell my mother I love her..I’m..*cough*sorry Revail...”

Revail’s Pov:

I watched in horror..The only person who I truly cared for..gone just like that..
   I felt tears stream down my face but at this point anyone could just mistake it for rain water..
Runa’s eyes were closed and she had no pulse..She was truly gone..The one person I loved, the one person who really, genuinely cared for me..gone.
     I kneeled over her body and held her cold lifeless wing and just cried..I was covered in blood, so much so that my clothes and feathers were stained red..
    I hadn’t even paid any attention to the fact the Windblight Ganon had disappeared..
Soon I blacked out..and awoke in a bed with feathers still blood stained..All I could think about was Runa..and how it was my fault for being so weak that she died..It was all my fault..

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