Chapter 3: Abisa

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My name is Abisa. I seem to get along with most people, and most people get along with me. I am known to be the 2nd best warrior of Hyrule, with Link being the 1st. I have respect for both Link and Urbosa. There is one person who is so ANNOYING. I won’t speak of his name. The “his” probably gave it away.
When I was little, I was trained to be a warrior, as it was my duty to become one. Like my destiny or something. I didn’t see my dad much at all, my mom says it was better not to. Voes are not allowed here anyway. As a gift when I was younger, I was given a huge sword that I was told to use later. It has Ancient Hylian words on the handle. The blade is so sharp that I cut off two of my fingers when I was younger. That is why I have bandages around my left fingers. I remember crying to my mom, and she said, “Suck it up.”
When I was 9 years old, my mom said she had a meeting. I didn’t mind it because she always had meetings to go to. Usually I would train and then make myself some food. This time however, was different. She didn’t come back. The Yiga Clan interrupted my mom’s meeting, and everyone else was able to fight them off, besides my mom. Her head was knocked off her body, Master Kohga killed her. I hate him to this day. He is quite ugly too.
After a while of foster care, Urbosa adopted me, becoming my legal mother, but I see her as more of a friend. I then met Link, and it was neutral.
By the time when I was 14, I decided to explore outside a little bit, somehow finding my way near Rito Village, and that is when I met HIM. He was and is so annoying. I hate his guts. His bad attitude and cockiness always gets ME into trouble.  It is so annoying. After that I hated his guts.
I have trained almost all my life, becoming the 2nd best warrior. I wish my mom could see what I am now, maybe she would be proud of me. I don’t even know who my dad is, so I can’t see him. I was told never to try and find him anyway.
I remember when I first witnessed an attack from the Yiga Clan, when I was with Urbosa. I was talking with her, when I heard screaming from outside. Many people were trying to fight them off, and many were failing. I can’t seem to remember how I got involved with it, maybe I thought after my mom died I would stop blaming myself for her death. I ended up killing one of them, which was one of the last ones. Master Kohga ended up running away, as we killed his army. What a coward. I remember many thanked me, but I still didn’t forgive myself for what happened to my mom years ago.

As I wake up everyday, I am in bed of course which is pretty normal. I get welcomed by Urbosa for a morning greeting. Then I take my sword, put on some armor, and I start to train. You never know when I could learn something new. Once in a while Link and I would train together, and SOMETIMES we talk. It is quite rare. By talking, I mean writing down on a paper. It is usually how I can improve. It’s never some chit chat nonsense either. It is always about posture, how fast I swing it, don’t let my guard down, that kind of stuff.
Today is a day that I don’t train with Link, supposedly he was in Zora’s Domain. I’m by myself. I usually find a cactus, and start attacking. It’s the best I can do anyway with living in the desert. The one thing I think about is avenging my mom. She deserved better. People say she deserved to die, but I don’t think so. I may just not know what a good mom was like, but I think she just wanted me to be strong and independent.
The cactus is quite sharp, and I have to be careful not to injure myself. For some reason my fingers start to hurt. Oh yeah. The incident. I wasn't a careful child at all. It cost me some of my left fingers. Good thing I am right handed. My fingers start to bleed even more, which is why I have bandages on them. In case this happens, because they bleed easily and I’m an active person in combat, the wounds never fully healed leaving the area still vulnerable and traumatized proning it to be able to bleed more easily.  The cactus messes up my fingers more, it seems.
Sometimes Urbosa lets me train on Vah Naboris with Link.  It’s fun but sometimes Urbose likes to trick us by making Vah Naboris stand up from its resting place and start walking around..
Blood is going down my hand and I look at it, it’s not that bad. Yes, it is bleeding, but it is not a stab in the heart. I will be fine.

Urbosa: “Abisa, you are bleeding again. You have to be careful.”

Abisa: “I will be fine. It is a daily occurrence. I am used to it.”

Urbosa: “Well, it shouldn’t be a daily occurrence.”

I look at Urbosa, and she looks concerned. It’s not THAT bad. Yes I am bleeding and it’s  rushing down my arm, but I am fine. I will live.

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