Chapter 25: Attack on Vah Naboris

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Abisa’s Pov:

I was with Nora..She was motionless, completely motionless.   Maybe if I had gotten to the Yiga Clan’s hideout sooner she wouldn't have been so badly injured..Yes it’s my fault, I don’t understand why I couldn't have made it sooner..Nora was covered in dried blood and bandages..I didn’t know what else I could do except stand there and force feed her elixirs.

Abisa: “Oh..Hylia..If only I had been there.”

There is no hope to save Nora, with all that is happening. I had to be so worthless..
    I was told that Nora would most likely survive..But..I had doubts, everyone did. How could we have hope when Nora is laying on this bed, most likely dead, and with extreme blood loss?  How could this have happened..What is my purpose Hylia?  For if I can’t protect someone how shall I protect Hyrule? I can’t get over the fact that I kept telling myself that Nora would be fine while I was trying to save Nora… If only I wasn’t so stupid, Nora would be with me right now.  The ground shook and Naboris let out an ear splitting screech. I suddenly looked around me. Something horrible is about to happen.  Lady Urbosa still hadn’t come back..I began to worry as I dashed to Naboris with my Scimitar in hand.

Abisa: “Nora please forgive me.”

After what felt like hours of running, I finally made it to Naboris..It was running around the desert stomping creating a giant sand storm with every step..I had to be careful. I can’t risk getting trampled…
      I successfully was able to make it onto Naboris’s entrance..the once Machine flowing with electricity and a blue glow now was not..It was shining a dark red color..Malice..It must be Malice.
    I spotted a few Terminals, the rest were extremely difficult to get to..Especially now that there isn’t any electricity flowing through Naboris..
    None of the special mechanics were working..This was going to be a real workout.. It would seem that the special mechanics of Naboris have been tampered with.  I can’t help but possibly think that Ganon had taken control over all the Divine Beasts..Hylia..I pray everyone is safe..Please guide me in this battle..I had activated three of the terminals..There were only two left. 

Urbosa: “Ah, Abisa..Thank you, you’ve done a wonderful job so far.  Let me take the rest from here.”

Abisa: “You’re welcome Lady Urbosa..”

I waited for Urbosa to finish activating the remaining two this moment all of my anxieties got into my head..What if I didn’t make it out?  What if I never get to tell Remon I love him?  I need to stop..I need to focus on the present, not the future.  All it brings me is worry..I need to get my head in the game. Suddenly, something else is here..I could sense it.


I start to run over to the main control unit, looking at my surroundings. Urbosa had a worrying tone in her voice. I was right. Something else is here… And it is not good. It has to be Ganon’s doing.

After activating the main control unit, something submerged out of it..It was gross.

Abisa: “Get out of here or…*Pulls out blade* ELSE”

ThunderBlight Ganon, looks too much like Ganon..Just like the one I was told about from fairy tales.. There is no other reason for it to be here, but to take Urbosa out of control. Which, it might have succeeded.

ThunderBlight Ganon lets out a loud screech.
Urbosa appeared by my side, she had her Scimitar and Shield ready.
   I was scared..But I had to repress my fears, if anything I should be more worried for Urbosa’s sake.  I know this thing is going to target her and only her..




I didn’t trust her..I knew something bad would happen.
   I was right..When I “left” I stayed by and kept a close watch..and I’m glad I did.
ThunderBlight was extremely fast..too fast..But it had a speed pattern and I followed it.
At one point Urbosa had let her guard down..
        ThunderBlight was about to strike but I ran in front of Urbosa.

Urbosa: “ABISA!”

Abisa: “Lady Urbosa…Go, save yourself..”

3rd person:

Abisa gets sliced by ThunderBlight, dying right in front of Urbosa.  ThunderBlight’s electric sword sliced through Urbosa like a knife cutting butter..While stabbing her it also electrified her body to death.
Abisa’s body bleeds on the ground.  ThunderBlight Ganon had been satisfied with having killed Abisa and disappeared into the main control unit..

Urbosa: “NO..PLEASE, ABISA..My little spark..”

Abisa’s eyes wandered around the room looking and realizing she was dying..
    The light soon left her eyes as her mouth was left agape and her eyes still wide open..Urbosa closed them hoping that Abisa would rest peacefully in the afterlife..She held Abisa’s body in her arms one last time and sobbed praying that Abisa would return..But that wish was impossible..

Urbosa set off her distress signal
She sat there for a while not wanting to accept that Abisa was truly gone.

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