Chapter 23: Attack on Vah Rutta

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Xina’s Pov:

I had arrived back at Zora’s Domain close to the evening, so I decided I’d sit up at the dam where Ruta was in the lake.  I smiled, the Divine Beasts sure were beautiful.  I must have dozed off at some point because I awoke to the ground shaking and seeing Calamity Ganon rise up around the castle.  I panicked and headed straight for Ruta, my job was to cover for Princess Mipha incase there was an I did just that.  I swam to Ruta as fast as I could, making it inside just before Ruta began to stand up..someone..or something had to be piloting Ruta for it to be able to stand up..It gave me the chills.
      I ran up the stairs as I noticed Ruta’s bright blue colors turn to a deep bright red..Malice..Calamity Ganon must’ve taken control of Ruta..Oh Hylia, may I pray that Princess Mipha is safe and that in the end we are victorious..I got the terminals on thankfully without having much of an issue besides some of the Malice here and there..But other than that It was relatively easy.  I was about to go to the main control unit when I heard someone..

Mipha: “Xina?  Are you here?”

Xina: “Princess MIpha!  I’m pleased to tell you I've activated all the terminals, now all we have to do is activate the main control unit.”

Mipha: “Wonderful work Xina..I knew I could count on you.  Now, be prepared for anything to happen..” 

Xina: “Of course..”

I had my spear ready at my side as Princess Mipha walked up to the Main Control Unit, she looked at me asking if I was ready to which I nodded.  At first everything was fine and Princess Mipha backed up a bit, all of a sudden we heard a loud screech as what seemed to be a smaller version of Ganon appeared, holding a trident..It changed the water levels inside creating tidal waves and whirlpools.  I knew this wasn’t going to be easy.

Mipha: “Alright, let’s get moving.”

It threw its spear at me, missing by a few inches..Phew.
  Mipha readied her spear and struck Waterblight Ganon, some Malice spewed out and it screeched and turned to Princess Mipha, grabbing its spear it swung at her, thankfully she swam underwater avoiding the attack..

We had been fighting for what felt like hours at this point, I could tell Mipha was tired and so was I.

Xina: “Its moves are extremely inconsistent..How are we supposed to know what comes next?!”

Mipha remained silent and kept a determined look and yet again struck Waterblight Ganon, I joined in too and repeatedly struck it.  It wasn’t as interested in fighting me as it was with Princess Mipha..
     It completely ignored my attacks and went straight for Princess Mipha while she was catching her breath.


Just when Princess Mipha was about to get stabbed with the trident I stepped in the way hit me instead..

3rd Person:

Waterblight Ganon, having been satisfied with its killing, left and sucked itself back into the control unit.

Mipha: “XINA! NO!”

Xina had been stabbed with the trident in the chest..she guarded Princess Mipha with her life..and for that she paid a terrible price..
   Xina was still alive but she would soon pass..

Xina: “It..was a serve you..Prin-*coughs up blood* Princess Mipha..”

Mipha: “Please! Xina don’t speak..Save your energy..Please..”

Xina took her last breath in the arms of Princess Mipha who was covered in one of her closest friends' blood..How could she have let this happen?  Mipha saw the light slowly fade away from Xina’s eyes..she was dead.  Mipha sent out her distress signal and sat in the pool of blood and water weeping over Xina’s dead body..If only Mipha had enough energy to have healed her.


No response..what did she expect..Xina was gone..truly gone, forever..

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