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Third Person POV

It was a sunny afternoon in Astoria, and Cal was buzzing with excitement as he fluttered his wings, a radiant smile plastered on his face. "Hey, Zeli! How about we go on a picnic? I packed all your favorite snacks!"

Zeli rolled her eyes, her wings twitching with annoyance. "A picnic, Cal? How utterly pedestrian. I have much more important things to do than waste my time lounging around on a cloud with you."

Undeterred by Zeli's dismissive attitude, Cal persisted with his trademark optimism. "Come on, Zeli! It'll be fun! We can watch the sunset and share stories. Plus, I made ambrosia salad!"

Zeli let out an exasperated sigh, but a small smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. "Fine, Cal. But only because I can't resist your adorable puppy dog eyes." She rolled her eyes and pinched his cheek.

With a delighted bark of excitement, Cal took Zeli's hand and led her to a fluffy cloud overlooking a stunning vista of Astoria's landscapes. As they settled down for their picnic, Cal eagerly unpacked the ambrosia salad. He was impatiently waiting for Zeli's opinion of the food.

But just as they were about to dig in, a mischievous gust of wind swept through the cloud, sending their picnic flying in all directions. The snacks scattered across the sky like shooting stars, leaving Cal and Zeli staring at each other in disbelief.

Zeli's eyes narrowed with irritation, her aura crackling with annoyance.

"Well, this is just perfect, isn't it? Leave it to you, Cal, to turn a simple picnic into a disaster."

Cal's smile faltered for a moment, but then he broke into a fit of laughter, his golden retriever energy shining through. "Oops! Looks like we'll have to improvise, Zeli. How about we try cloud surfing instead?"

Zeli rolled her eyes, but a reluctant smile tugged at her lips. "Cloud surfing? Honestly, Cal, sometimes I wonder if you have a single brain cell in your body."

But despite her grumbling, Zeli found herself unable to resist Cal's infectious enthusiasm. With a resigned sigh, she nodded her head in agreement, allowing Cal to take her hand as they leaped off the cloud and into the open sky.

As they soared through the sky on a makeshift cloud surfboard, laughter echoed through the celestial expanse. Cal's joyful laughter mingled with Zeli's begrudging chuckles, creating a symphony of celestial mirth that could be heard for miles around.

Haze and Onyx watched on in amusement. Onyx struggled to stand from how hard she was laughing. She doubled over in pain and had to clutch her stomach. Haze smirked and held out her hands when the snacks drifted towards them. Onyx finally managed to calm herself and wrapped her arms around Haze.

"That was brilliant!"

"Messing with Zeli brings an enormous amount of joy to myself." Haze took a bite of the food. "Hmm... Cal actually knows how to cook. Who'd have thought?" She offered Onyx some of the snacks.

"Who else should we prank?!"

"Hmm... I was thinking of Roman and Yugi."

"We gotta make sure the door is closed before sending a group of people into the room." Onyx smirked.

"Sounds like a plan." Haze kissed Onyx.

"Let's go!" Onyx dragged a humored Haze after her.


The realm shimmered with its usual tranquility as Cal eagerly awaited Zeli for their long-anticipated date. His hyper aura was palpable as he bounced on his feet, wings flapping with excitement. But as the minutes ticked by, there was still no sign of Zeli.

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