Chapter 44: Threat from the Hawk

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The peace went back to the City of Parasolla. After twenty-six years, Agustus Mercaderro who reigned in the city was defeated and thrown out of his position as the governor of the district. The inequality, the discrimination and the chaos that he brought and taught to the people will be difficult to remove from them. Their beliefs will remain even if he is already gone. However, one thing is for sure, he can no longer fuel up the burning rage of the people to women. The fire can be put out, slowly, carefully. One person at a time, the City of Parasolla can change and became the city tht was once known for its generosity to its visitors, twenty-six years ago. The Umbrella City of Parasolla.


It was the sixth day since the incident, Jessica woke up after a tiring night of taking care of Thor and Bulls. She slept on Thor's side, resting her head on the bed, he was covered with more bandages than Bulls. Even a tough god like im broke several bones and severe traumas. Behind her was Bulls, covered with bandages, haven't woken up since the incident, according to the doctors, he was comatosed, only the machines are the ones keeping him alive.

"I never imagined someone... some people would stand for me." She whispered.

Jessica felt releaved after seeing Thor at that time. She thought Thor didn't made it, but he survived and she managed to find him. Though Archie was there, Bulls and Thor protected her from him.

"After you left, I thought I would never see you again." She thought. "After the incident, I looked for you, every tent in the townsquare, every room at the medical center, I searched until I found you..."

"... Thor."

After she cleaned them and changed the flowers at the vase, Jessica decided to visit that person.

The city is on its way to recovery, they are already rebuilding the structures in the city, especially those who are needed by the majority of people.

Jessica went into the other building of the hospital and into the third floor. Room three-four-eight, he opened the door and there, another man, full of bandages and its right arm was casted. It was James, under a very deep sleep. She sat at the chair beside him.

"I am thankful of what you did, from saving my life, to freeing the city from the hands of that evil Governor."

As usual, she brought fresh fruits and replaced the old ones. She is doing this everyday hoping that one day, he will wake up.

"Gonzales..." she began to leave as she says, "... my mother's surname."

Then, she went back out. However, before she could open the door, James spoke.

"Do you really need to repeat every word... every single day?"

Jessica turned around, "You woke up." She came near and sat back to the chair

They talked to each other about everything, the fight, where he was from, why he was here and how did he defeated Agustus. Jessica never stopped thanking him, the boy that saved his life.

"I have to go." Jessica said. "Thank you for saving us."

However, before she left, James asked, "Jessica, how are they?" He breathed deeply. "Those who fought beside me?"

"They haven't been waking up since the incident."

James took out him necklace and closed his eyes, pain was visible on his expressions. The Heart of the Sea showered its healing aura all throughout James' body

Jessica was astonished, she first saw this when James healed Thor and Bulls during the fight of Parasolla, yet it still amazes her.

James opened his gleaming green eyes, "Take me to them."

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