Chapter 45: An Unforgiving Predicament

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At the ruined Tourism district...

After he left the hospital, James decided to leave the city and go back home to his tribe. Even if he left a something that would inform his father about his sudden departure, he knew they would still be woried about him.

James looked around him as he walk passed by the street. The people are starting to rebuild the city, though some of the houses were left unharmed by the battle, most of the houses were destroyed.

As he reached the open clearing, a few hundred feet away from the edge of the forest, he stopped walking and looked back.

"This place... I will never forget this place."

James smiled and looked up in the sky.

"I never thought that my experience with those humans who destroyed our village would be different." He thought. "I was too naive. The race that I was once very enthused will the race that I will hate the most."

The wind blew passed him as he decided to continue his journey back home. However, as he turned back around him, hundreds of humans came, armed with weapons, resembling those from Agustus' underlings. There outfits were unrecognizable to James, he never saw any of those. Along with them, heavy equipments also arrived, unfamiliar to James' sight. They radiate a sense of danger, which worried James. He was about go back to the city and call for help when someone spoke from his side.

"Yow, kid, do you know what happened here?"

James turmed around and ignored the man.

"Atlantian. You're an Atlantian, aren't you?"

James paused and looked back, "What's wrong with this man, he gives off the same level of intimidation Agustus used to radiate." He thought. "I should be careful, his intentions are still unknown."

"If you're a human being, just like us, you wouldn't walk and ignore me." The man hypothesized. "But yeah, I don't care that much. What ever you did, keep that in you."

Another man came near the man and passed two sheets of paper and showed it to James.

James was stunned, the faces on the papers were Bulls and Thor. He clenched his fists and remained still.

"These guys were bad people. They did something to the country where we came from.

James turned around and says, "I don't know who they are," and started to walk away.

The man chuckled and the other man passed another piece of paper. "Your mind might change if the Atlantians get involved in here." He said, showing a photo of James with Thor.

James looked back and saw it, "I won't let you humans touch another Atlantian," raising his hand for his trident.

The men escorting the man aimed their guns at James.

"Who are you to threaten me?"

"Captain Walter Crawford of the Secret Service Department of the Franzian Armed Forces, and we're here in pursuit of the terrorists that wrecked havoc in Yamahara and Franzia."

"Oh, I remembered seeing them." James said in a mocking manner. "They fought alongside me. So I won't betray them." The trident landed on his hand and he smashed it on the ground, a thick cloud of mist covered the area.

"Shoot him."


Bulls, Thor, and Jessica were at the hotel, packing their stuff so that they could leave the city and continue their journey when someone arrived.

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