Crazed lunatic

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After a good night of sleep- who am I kidding, I was up all night thinking about Pacfica.

Her blonde hair, her scent of honey and lilac... anyhow, I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind.

I just needed to get away and think. So I walked through the woods.
I guess I lost track of time, because when I came out of the woods I was in town, and the sun was pretty high in the sky

I thought I would be safe in town, but who should I see but Pacifica.

She turned around and saw me.

"Oh... hey Dipper." She said. Was it just me, or was she blushing?

"Hi Paci-" My voice cracked. "Ahem, uh, Hi Pacifica. " My face was on fire.

"I guess I'll be going then..." Pacifica said as her friends called to her.

"See ya!" I said as she walked away.

"Wait." She said, causing me to turn back to her. "Do you maybe wanna have dinner tonight? At Rosanio's?" She asked, without turning around.

A date with Pacifica Northwest, at the most expensive place in the area?

I didn't want to seem desperate, because I wasn't. Yep, totally not desperate.

"Dipper? Did you hear me?" Pacifica asked, turning around.

"Um... yeah, sure!" I said. She smiled.

"See ya at eight then!" She skipped away with her friends.

A date with Pacifica, my sister's arch nemesis?

You, Dipper Pines, are a crazed lunatic.

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