An Update?

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Hey guys!

I know it's not every day(or every month even) that I update this, so just in case you're not in the loop with my rant book(which you really should be), let me provide some insight.

This book, along with so many others, will most likely not see updates much(if at all) until I complete my current Steven Universe series, Tsaatr.

For this book at least, I have plans to update at least once or twice after I finish the current book, The Lust That Hides The Love. This will most likely be in the late spring or early summer.

The reason I'm telling you all this? I'm asking you for your help. This book(which I obviously put very little effort into) is my most popular. If this is the only book of mine you've read then you can't tell, but when my stories get little or no attention I get discouraged and often delete them.

I'm asking you guys to go check out The Stars And All The Rest and its sequel, The Lust That Hides The Love. This will not only bring more traffic to the series but it also means that I'll have more people counting on me to update(I love writing but really lack confidence and motivation). This will hopefully speed up the writing process so I'll have more time to update this in the summer.

If you need another reason to check it out, then you'll get more of my writing(romance, anyone?) to satisfy your time!

Love, friendship, family, and determination are all tested for the main characters of this fanfiction.

(Also yes it's a human AU with lots of OC's and sloppier writing as it goes on but whatever)

Thanks y'all!

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