Time to make a deal

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"Dipper's been in there for a while," I said to myself.

"Oh, you don't know anything, Pacifica." Bill said.

"I wanna go in." He stopped laughing.

"I think I know how."


"Are you sure this deal will benefit me?" I asked, not confident on his answer.

"Um, duh! I have too much on the line for this! " Bill held out his hand, engulfed in blue flame. "So do we have a deal?"

Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"I can sue you." I threatened.

"Try me!" He cackled, before I blacked out.


"So where am I?" It was a dark place, with thunder and lightning.

A lightning flash illuminated the manor, but in a noir style.

A walked inside, and it looked jut like our manor did, except Peter was in the family portrait.

I walked down the halls, every door that was slightly open had the sounds of an old tv, but it sounded like my memories.

"Hey Paz!" I looked away from the door, and saw Peter standing at the end of the hallway.

"Peter?" I asked. He nodded.

"I missed you!" He said. I ran crying to his side.

"What happened to you? Are you real?" I asked, loving his embrace.

"Don't worry, I'm real. And don't worry about what happened to me. Look at you! You're all grown up!" He held me away, examining me.

"How does this work?" I asked, as we walked through the manor.

"Some memories are scattered, laid carelessly on the first floor, " he began, "but some memories are grouped together in rooms. Like one room in particular that's had lots of New memories..." he stopped in front of a door with a pine tree on it. I blushed.

"Dipper..." I said, embarrassed.

"Paz has a crush! " Peter teased.

"Quit it!" I replied, laughing.

I never want to leave!

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now