Save Mabel

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(A/n) really cheesy title!


We walked in silence for awhile. It was quiet today, no birds or animals to be heard.

I turned to Dipper to speak, but didn't. I looked back in the other direction, until I noticed he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"The sun's shining off your hair." He said. I took it as a compliment. I opened my mouth, when I heard an ear-splitting scream. Mabel's scream.

"Mabel!" We yelled, running in the direction of the sound.

When we reached Mabel, there was a tornado of leaves around her. She was floating about ten feet above the ground, her hair whipping around her face. Her eyes were glowing, and an evil chant was whispered on the wind.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled, his tears joining Mabel's in the leaf-nado.

"Hahaha, she's mine now Pine Tree. Well, she's been mine, but still!" Mabel fell to the ground, her headband discarded.


"Dipper... help me, please..." Mabel moaned.

"I'm sorry, Shooting Star. But a deal's a deal. No help for you." Bill laughed.

"A deal? You made a deal?" Dipper was furious. "Mabel, I've been trying all summer to protect you, and you made a deal?"

"Dipper... it was... all... for you..." Mabel managed, before the leaf tunnel collapsed and she passed out.

Dipper ran to her, screaming her name and cursing at Bill.

"Sheesh, she's not dead, you've got another.. hmmm, twenty, thirty years tops!" Bill reassured.

"You're sick!" I told him.

"And your a Northwest. Clearly, I'm better." I rolled my eyes. Everybody who knew my secret-which was only Dipper and Mabel- made fun of my family.

Dipper stood up and looked at Bill. "What did you do to her?" Bill didn't answer, and Diper got up in his face. "What did you do to Mabel?"

"Dipper, stop." I didn't like how intense he was being.

"You have no idea what this feels like." He told me. I lost it.

"How could you say that after I told you about my brother? I thought we were friends!" I screamed.

Don't listen to him Pacifica, he wants you guys to fight.

I breathed. "Look, just tell us what you did to Mabel."

"Why certainly," Bill began. "She's trapped in the mind scape. If she's there for too long, she'll fade from existence."

"How can we get her back?" Dipper asked.

"The same way you entered Stan's mind, just backwards. " Dipper nodded his head, and held Mabel's hand. I grabbed her other hand.

"Pacifica, you're not coming. I need you to make sure our bodies are safe." Dipper said firmly.

"Yes, I am. I helped send Mabel here, and I'm getting her back." I put my hands on my hips.

"Oh yeah, one last thing. If you're wondering why her hands are cold, she's dead. Tick tock." Bill said, with another laugh.

Dipper gasped, and quickly recited something in Latin, I think. He passed out.

"Okay Bill. It's just you and me now." I challenged.

"And too bad. You might've seen your brother in there." Why didn't Bill say these things ahead of time?

"I can't read your mind, but I'm guessing you're thinking something about me needing to be straight forward? " Bill asked.

"Yeah. Now how do I get in?"

Bill glowed.

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