Do not cross

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Somebody knocked on the door the next day.

"Who is it?" My father asked the butler.

"It would appear to be that Pines boy, sir." The butler said.

Oh no, not Dipper. He got me in trouble so many times, and after... anyhow, I tried to hide under my bed, which worked until he knocked on my window.

What the heck?

He knocked again, and I answered.

"Dipper, what are you doing here?" I was in enough pain as it was.

He asked me about my cuts and bruises, and I tried to pass it off as injuries from falling down the stairs.

"Pacifica, is there anything you'd like to tell me?" Dipper asked. I'd never seen him look so serious, not even when he was hunting for monsters under the bed, or whatever he did.

"No, and I'd appreciate you leaving." He seemed defeated, but before he left, he turned to ask me something.

"Is it true? That you don't really like me?" He asked.

"Dipper," I sighed. "I just don't know right now." I hung my head low. I hated rejecting him, but I needed to clear my head first.

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now