Big mistake.

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"Wh-what does he mean?" Dipper asked, panicking.

"I met this guy like a week ago, how should I know? " I said.

A large crash came from the direction of the Mystery Shack.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled as we ran.

Panting, we finally reached the Mystery Shack. A window was broken, and Mabel laid on the ground.

"Mabel?" I asked.

"Ugh, Dipper?" Mabel said quietly, barely a whisper.

Dipper fell to Mabel's side.

"Are you okay? What happened? Was it Bill?" Dipper asked, turning Mabel on her back.

Suddenly, Mabel's eyes shot wide open.

"Help..." She whispered. Then, like she was a different person, with very rigid movement, she stood up.

"M-mabel?" Dipper asked, thrown to his feet.

Mabel turned to look at us, then, lifted her head in a few rigid nods. Her eyes looked evil, dark, and soulless. All of a sudden, she hovered, and flew as fast as light into the woods.

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A/n I really love the picture!  Also, have you figured out the codes? Let me know!  Also, sorry for the delay! I usually update EVERY THURSDAY!

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