What had I done?

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I clutched my head in my hands.

"What have we done? He took Mabel!" Pacifica recovered from shock, then walked over and slapped me.

"Tell me everything. What do you know about Bill Chipher?" I rubbed my cheek, she hits hard.

"We'll, we don't know much. He can only posses your body with a deal, it is not fun,"

"Was that your deal?" Pacifica asked, a look of pure concern in her eyes.

"He was supposed to take one of Mabel's sock puppets. I was horrified by what he did." I looked down.

"What you know? " Pacifica asked.

"Right." I told her everything about Bill, and she listened contentedly.

"Where do you think he went?" I shook my head.

"Who knows? We just have to go look." I brought her over to the Mystery Shack, and went inside.

"Ugh, why is this in my house? " Stan asked as we stepped inside.

"Uh, Mystery hunting!" I covered, dragging her up the stairs.

"Ooh, looks like your tongues can have dun looking for mysteries in eachother's mouths!" Stan called up afterwards.

"Is he always like that?" Pacifica asked.

"He almost killed Gideon for telling people Mabel was his girlfriend. " I told her. "Anyhow, take these!" I handed her a crossbow and a journal. "Be careful. And don't hurt her. Even when Bill's possessing her, she'll feel the pain afterwards."

We set off into the woods.

"Dipper, you said when Bill possesses somebody, he pulls them out of their body and replaces them. Mabel's obviously still there." Pacifica asked.

"I don't know, maybe she's strong enough to deal with him."

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