Headed home

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I said goodbye to Pacifica and dragged Mabel home.

"Hey, where have you two been?" Stan interrogated the second we stepped inside.

Uh oh. He's gonna find out that we spent the night at...

"The county jail." I lied. Stan looked closely, trying to detect a lie.

"Eh. I'm gonna go watch Grandpa the kid. Go... hang out with Ford, or whatever. " I sighed with relief as Stan sat down and opened his can of Pitt Cola.

"Well, do what you want Mabel. I'll be upstairs. " I walked upstairs to do some... light reading.

"Let's see... how to vanquish Bill from your mind? " Hmm, that sounded helpful in this situation.

"Hey Dipper!"

"Aah! " I screamed. "Stop doing that!"

"Only when you stop being a major dork. Haha!" Mabel said.

"Mabel, I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of Bill!" I glanced down, then looked more closely. "Oh my gosh, Mabel I found it!"

Yv xzivufo dszg blf drhs uli...

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