Further into the Manor

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Peter's face turned serious. "Pacifica, I have something to show you." He opened the door to my dad's study, and I could already tell what was behind it.

Every memory of my dad abusing me. It was horrible. Every time I passed a door, a different scar hurt.

"Peter, why are you showing me this?" I asked. He didn't respond, just kept walking.

"I hate this hallway. Every time I see a new memory I think, what a horrible father. But this one memory..." He stopped in front of a tiny door.

I gazed inside. It was on.the last day I saw him. I didn't even remember it.

"I need a favor. To ensure my bloodline."

"No worry, Presto. Just one ring of this bell and one if your children will be forced to do your bidding. But the other one, I'd be taking,"

I watched in horror as my father made a deal with Bill.

"I'll keep the girl. She's young, and will believe it is of her own intent."

My heart sank.

"Th-that stupid bell. He's been controlling me!" I punched the wall, cracking it.

"Be careful! " Peter warned. "If you break your mind, we're stuck here." I thought, that maybe that wouldn't be bad. After all, I'd be with the only family I've ever loved.

"But I'd lose Dipper..." I sighed.

(A/N) SOO sorry, I lost track of time! EVERY THURSDAY/FRIDAY!

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