To the trees

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Mabel practically dragged me through the woods. Sticks snagged on my vest and I had to hold onto my hat.

"Are you sure you know where your going?" I asked, our feet sending leaves flying.

"Yup. It's right ahead!" Mabel stopped, and since I was still running I crashed into a tree.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing my head. "So, why are we here?" Mabel was staring at the ground, and I turned to see a triangle on the ground. "Is that how we get out?" I asked.

Mabel walked over to the triangle, inspecting it carefully.

"There are places at the corners for people to stand. Maybe this is how we get home." She stood on one point, and I stood on another.

"It's not working." I stomped on it. "Maybe we need a third person? " Mabel shrugged. "But who? Wait a minute- do you have the manor in here?"

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