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Pacifica's pov

"Dipper!" I yelled, running after him. I got him stopped halfway through the parking lot to the Mystery Shack.

"What the hell Pacifica? Why are you screaming at me?"

"What's your issue? Did I do something wrong? Why are you mad at me?" Dipper sighed.

"I'm not it's just... look. I really really like you, and, I want to date you, but Stan would never be okay with it, and when I go back to Piedmont you'll be here alone." He started crying. "And I can't have that on my conscience Pacifica you know I can't!" I wrapped my arms around him.

"Then we'll run away. We don't have to live like this! We can go live in the woods somewhere and get jobs and save up enough to get an apartment and we'll be fine!" I was crying too.

"But what about Mabel? We can't tell her we're leaving because she'll tell Stan. But she'll hate us if we just go."

"I guess it's a choice you'll have to make."

"Pacifica?" He asked.


"I choose you."

(A/N) Oh God this book's horrible anyway the next chapter will be the epilogue.

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now