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"Hey Paz!" Mabel yelled in my face, waking me up.

"Aah! Why the heck would you do that?" She shrugged, crawling off my sleeping bag and sitting on the floor beside me.

"So what's up?" I yawned, and rubbed the side of my face.

"Well, GrunkleStanhadtogodriveLazySusanoutoftownbecauseshecan'tdrivebecauseofherlazyeyesowe'restuckherealldaylongbutit'sokaybecausewedon'thavetoworkbecausSoossaidheandWendycouldhandleit!" She finished, taking in a deep breath.

"Woah, you're like a thirteen year old with the energy if a six year old," I marveled, getting up. "Do you have anything I could wear? I didn't exactly pack anything..."

"I gotcha!" Mabel said, leaping- I'm not exaggerating, the girl literally lunged- over her bed and to her closet. She threw me a sweater with a llama on it and a teal skirt.

"Thanks, Mabes," I said, stepping into the bathroom to change.

"Don't worry! I'm gonna go feed Waddles some Waffles, the Pig loves 'em!" She continued talking all the way down the stairs while I tried to find the neck hole of the sweater.

Once I was fully dressed, I dug through Mabel's drawer to find her hot-pink hairbrush. I brushed my hair like I always have, and looked thorough to see if she had any-

"Mabel doesn't have any makeup." Dipper's commented from the doorway. I screamed, throwing the hairbrush at him.

"Jesus Christ, Dipper, you terrified me!" He chuckled, walking over to me to hug me.

"You look fine without makeup. Bruises and all." I wiped a tear away from my eye.

"I love you, Dipper."

"I love you too, Pacifica."

(A/N)First off, I'm going to delete some of the chapters where I talked to you. Secondly,  I've decided that this book won't tie in to my other book. That way we don't have to erase Pacifica's memory.

Also, check out xanderwrites for some great Dipcifica. I suggest the 16 And Pregnant series.

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now