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Pacifica Northwest.

Rude, snobbish, ungrateful, and just an all around stuck up rich girl.

Or so I thought.

My name is Dipper Pines. I'm spending the summer in the small town of Gravity Falls Oregon with my twin sister Mabel and out Great-uncle Stan.

Pacifica Northwest, as you may have guessed, is the daughter of the richest man in town, Preston Northwest. She's my sister's greatest rival, although Mabel being Mabel, she still tries to become friends with the girl.

The first time I really got a chance to see Pacifica for who she really is was when she needed my help vanquishing an evil spirit from her mansion.

You see, I'd found a journal in the woods with information on paranormal and magical creatures, so I've been using it to help people. Mostly.

The point is, that night I saw a side of Pacifica nobody had ever seen before. I saw a vulnerable, fearful girl who just wanted to impress her parents. And in a way, I saw myself in her.

And that was my first mistake.

Two days later I lied awake I'm bed all night, still thinking about that night.

So much had happened, and in the end the person I was trying to save ended up saving me.

If my sister had ever found out that I was lying awake thinking about her enemy, she would either get extremely upset or try to set us up on a date, and neither option sounded good.

Besides, it wasn't like a was thinking about her in a crush way. I was just thinking about how she showed me her real personality.

And how when she wasn't stuck up, she was sweet.

And when she wasn't smirking, her real smile was bright and friendly.

And when she wasn't glaring, her gaze was warm and soft.

And how when she'd wasn't this stuck up rich girl, she was actually really cool.

And that was my second mistake.

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