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20 years later

It's snowing.

I'm not usually in Portland, especially not in winter because of the long drive back home, but I need to pick up a couple of last minute gifts.

I'm walking down the street with my coat wrapped tightly around me, trying desperately to warm up. My only focus is on my car, parked only a few blocks ahead. But something, someone, catches my attention.

I don't even realize it until after I've passed them. The woman is blonde. The man is brunett. She's pregnant and pushing an empty stroller. He's holding a sleepy toddler.

Why do these people look so familiar?

I turn around. The child has an old baseball cap with a Pine Tree on it clenched in their fingers.

"Dipper!" I drop my bags, running after the brother I'd lost years ago. But he's already gone. Lost in the crowd. Like it was never even him.

There, I'm done. It's done. I will not be making a sequel. I despise this book.

Feel free, however, to read my other Gravity Falls fanfiction. Or one of my Steven Universe ones.

I've heard that they're not utter failures.

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