Run away

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I didn't know what this Bill guy expected me to do. I stood there for a minute, then ran out.

Dipper, Dipper, Dipper,

"Dipper, where are you??" I yelled.

"Pacifica!" I turned and saw down a really long hallway, with Dipper at the end.

"Dipper!" I started running down the hallway, and a small voice in my head said it's just Bill... No, it had to be Dipper. I kept on running until I ran straight into a wall.

"Did I mention that I can create walls that show you eachother?" Bill said, with a laugh.

"Just give it up, Bill!" Dipper shouted.

"You know Bill?" I asked.

"We're well acquainted, he likes destroying my family." Dipper said.

Then I thought, what let's you see through it?

"Dipper, back up." I said, not taking my eyes off Bill.

"What? " He asked.

"Just back up!" He did, and I used my heel to break the glass.

"Looks like you've outsmarted me, kid. Something I don't let happen often," Bill said.

"Let us go Bill!" Dipper shouted.

"Okay." Bill said. Before we could process anything, Bill snapped his fingers and Mabel appeared.

"Really, Dipper? Dating Pacifica behind my back?" She said, dramatically.

"Hey, don't be melodramatic, shooting star." Bill said.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm taking it as an insult! " Mabel yelled.

"I'm not dating Pacifica! " Dipper defended.

"Yeah," I sighed, trying to hide my disappointment.

Bill cleared his throat. "Now, I could either tell you girls Dipper's every thought, or you can listen to me. What'll it be?"

Dipper and Mabel spoke at the same time.

"Dipper's thoughts. "

"Listen to you."

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now