Disobey and destroy

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I don't know why. I invited him to dinner to pay for the ghost incident. But now am I... exited?

I slipped on a cute blue dress and a pair of diamond earrings. I thought about my hair, and pit it in a high ponytail.

"Miss Northwest? It's time to go to the restaurant. " My butler called up the stairs.

"Coming!" I slid down the banister, something my parents would have a fit if they saw. My father's bell sat on a side table, and I stuck my tongue out at it.

When we got to the restaurant, I stepped out of the car.

"Come back in two hours."

"But miss Northwest, ten o'clo-"

"Do as I say." The driver bowed his head, and I walked in.

Dipper wasn't there yet, so I sat at the table alone for about fifteen minutes.

"Pacifica! " He said.

"Dipper. You're late." I said.

"Sorry, my Grunkle isn't the best driver, you know?" I nodded my head, remembering the horrible time Stan drove me home from the minigolf course.

"But um... how are you?" He asked. He looked as awkward as I felt.

"Um... good, good." I looked around. "Okay, so this is pretty awkward, but I didn't invite you here because you saved my life, although that might be a small part of the reason. My dad hates you, and if he knew I was here, well... let's just say you don't wanna know what he'd do."

Dipper nodded.

"So obviously, I had a stupid reason for inviting you here."

Dipper nodded again, his face red. He reached into his coat pocket and crumpled a piece of paper.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" He asked, his face still red.

I reached across the table abd grabbed it. "This."

"Don'treaditdon'treaditdon'treadit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He begged.

I opened the paper. It read:(In parenthesis means crossed out)

(I don't really know how to say this)

(I think you're really great)(cool)

I just want to say (my feelings)

I like you.

"Dipper..." I said.

"Yes," Dipper gulped. "Pacifica? "

"This is... amazing!" I started laughing uncontrollably. "Oh wow, this is way less awkward now.."

Dipper laughed uneasily, then his eyes got wide. "Pacifica! " We leaned in over the table and held hands. "This is amazing!" We both said. I was so happy, I was late to meet my driver.

Too bad that joy didn't last.

When I got home, my parents were there.

"Pacifica Elise Northwest, ten thirty? Do you know how frustrating it is to come home late at night and not know where your child is?" My father scolded.

Frustrating? I thought. Why not just say annoying.

"Where were you? Who were you with?"

"I went to dinner with a friend and we lost track of time." I shrugged.

"And just who was this friend of yours?" He demanded.

"I don't have to tell you!" I tried to walk past him, but he pushed me back.

"You will tell me!" He looked into my eyes. "You were with a boy."

My eyes went wide. "What makes you so sure?"

"Pacifica, please. I can tell when a girl thinks she's in love, but you're twelve, and he's- wait, who is he?" He came close to me.

My heart skipped a beat. If he found out I was with Dipper...

"It wasn't that Pines boy, was it?" He spat out the name Pines as if it were some microwave food.

"And so what if it was?" I threatened. "You shouldn't be in charge of who I invite to dinner, it's not like I'm ruining our 'amazing' reputation! "

"GET IN YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT, I WILL BE UP MOMENTARILY! " I panicked, and ran to my room. Not again, I thought.

{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now