Fixing mistakes

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"Look, Mabel. I know I haven't been the best brother. Heck, I've been one of the worst," I sat down with a sigh. "And maybe this is all my fault, I don't know. But I can really say this is bad for you. Bill said you were dead." Mabel gasped, and touched her hand to her mouth.

"I'm dead? What, but how?" I shook my head, then took her ice cold hands in mine.

"We're going to get you back. Pacifica is probably watching our bodies right now to make sure we're sa-"

"DON'T BET ON IT PINETREE." Wow, Bill was really annoying. "Hey, I heard that!" I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want this time. You've already killed the person I care most about in the world!" I said, annoyed.

"Well, Pacifica's conversational skills are just terrible, So I cut her a deal and now she's in her mind."

"Let us out!" Mabel yelled, trying to kick Bill.

"Do you really think that'll work, Shooting Star? Anyway, if you wanna get out, just find your way to your bodies!" Bill said with a snicker, disappearing.

"What does he mean?" I asked. Bill was a riddle on his own. Mabel gasped.

"Dipper! We need to find that spot in the woods! "

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