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Peter went to the kitchen to get us some ice cream, and I walled through a couple rooms.

From a door I heard a memory of Dipper and Mabel.

"Woah, it's all black and white in here!"

"Yeah, this definitely doesn't look like your mind scape."

I smiled, it was almost like-

Wait, I don't remember that.

"Dipper? Mabel?" I called.

"Pacifica! " I opened a door and they fell out of a closet.

"Woah. That never happened before." Mabel said, standing up.

"How did you guys get into my mind?" I asked.

"Long story." Dipper said.

"Pacifica? Whose this?" I turned and saw Peter drop the bowls.

Wouldn't he know them?

"Why don't you tell me? 'Peter'." I questioned, doing the air quotes. All of a sudden, he started laughing like Bill, and morphed into Bill.

"Sorry Pacifica, I mean, did you really think your brother was here?" Bill laughed maniacally, sickening me. Just try to get out before time runs away..." Bill faded.

"How are we supposed to get out?" I asked, wiping a tear away before Dipper could see.

"Pacifica, are you crying?" Shoot.

"Um... no." I lied. Dipper didn't look convinced. Mabel spoke quickly about Bill, I think, but she just grabbed my arm and ran outside, and eventually I could see color.

"So Dipper, care to translate? " I asked.

"Mabel and I found a way to get out, but we need you." The way Dipper a said need... never mind.

On the ground there was a triangle. Dipper and Mabel stood at two sides, and looked at me. I stood on the third, and Dipper reached for mine and Mabel's hands. We held hands, and an electricity shot through me.

"Aah!" We were back in the woods.

"What happened? " Mabel asked, rubbing her head.

"Dudes!" I turned and saw that DJ guy- Soos? - running towards us.

"Soos!" The twins yelled, running to him.

"What happened here dudes?" He asked, looking around .

"Well, we were transported into my-" Mabel said quickly, before Dipper covered her mouth. "Hey!"

"Um, nothing happened. " Dipper said. Soos and Mabel walked back to the Mystery Shack, but Dipper and I stayed behind.

"So, Pacifica? " Dipper asked, his back turned to me.

"... Dipper?" I asked, looklooking at my hand.

"Well, I- I just-" Dipper stopped and turned to face me. Before I knew what was happening, he was kissing me.

After what seemed like forever, but was probably more like ten seconds, he stepped back.

"Sorry," He said, a dark shade of red. "What did you wanna say?" I could feel my face burning.

"My hand..." I held it up and showed him the triangle imprinted on it. He gasped, and held up his hand with a similar imprint.

(A/N) Sorry again! I just wanted to put effort into this chapter. I'll only do a few more chapter's, and instead of Thursday's I'll update weekends. Only one POV though. Also, do you want more Dipcifica? Comment!

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