Just A Dream

841 17 0

Dipper's pov

Pacifica Sat next to me, pushing her waffles around with her fork.

"You okay?" I asked putting down my own fork.

"Yeah. Just had a bad dream last night."  She replied glumly.

"Oh." I got up and put my plate in the sink. "Do you... wanna talk about it?" I asked, scratching my head.

"Nah," She said, putting her waffles on the floor in front of Waddles. "I'll be okay." Using her thumbs and forefingers, she made a triangle. I nodded, receiving the message.

"Is there anything you wanna do today? Mabel made plans to knit everyone new sweaters while she watches a marathon of 'Girl, Why You Ackin So Cray Cray?', but I don't think that's your idea of fun." Pacifica shrugged.

"It doesn't matter to me, just so long as we don't go into town. I don't want people to see me like this." I nodded, understanding.

"Why don't we try to sneak into the mansion and grab some of your things?" I suggested, causing her eyes to go wide.

"Do you really th I.k we.can do that?" I shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." I grabbed the journal and a backpack with some essentials. "Let's go."

I grabbed the keys to the cart from Wendy-with the rule to not hit anybody- and we drove off.

"Okay, we'll need to scale the outer wall," Pacifica said, getting out of the cart. "Go hide that." I obliged, hiding it behind a few pine trees.

(A/N No pun intended)

"Okay, so how do we scale the wall?" I asked, walking back over to Pacifica.

"Gimme the grappling hook." She commanded, holding out her hand. I had to admit, she was good at getting people to listen.

I fished through the backpack, finally reaching the grappling hook that I had 'borrowed' from Mabel. I handed it to Pacifica, and she shot it over the wall.

"Let's go." She said, starting to climb. I waited until she had reached the top, abd then vegan the long and strenuous journey for myself.

"Okay, now what?" I asked, hauling myself over the top.

"We avoid the peacocks."

"What?" I asked, as Pacifica grabbed my hand and ran through the gardens.

"There!" She said, stopping at a window that had a Rose vine creeping up below it.

"Um, Pacifica? I'm pretty sure this isn't your bedroom window. Do you even know where this window is?" I asked, following Pacifica as she climbed up to the second story window.

"Dipper, as a child my parents never let me leave the mansion's walls. Don't you think I needed some sort of passtime?" I nodded, letting her continue. "Well, I liked to play spies."

Pacifica reached for my hand and pulled me inside.

"Okay, so where's your room?" I asked, glancing down the empty hallway.

"Right side," She said, racing off to find her room. Once she found the correct door, she opened it and urged me inside.

"Wow, it's just like I left it..." she marveled, looking around.

Her king-sized bed with the purple sheets and canopy sat to the left, perfectly made. To the right, her boudoir sat with a huge mirror and tons of make up and jewelry boxes ready. Also on the boudoir sat Pacifica's phone, plugged in.

"What are we taking?" I asked. Without a word, Pacifica grabbed  a small handbag and filled it with makeup, first grabbing her concealer and eyeshadow, and her phone. Next, she grabbed a duffel bag and  stepped through a door to the right of the boudoir.

She was in the room for a few minutes, but just as I was about to go after her, she stepped out. She had changed into a simple purple longsleeve with black leggings and white sneakers.

She grabbed a hairbrush from the boudoir and pulled her hair into a ponytail, before placing it in the handbag.

"Alright, let's go!" She said, racing back through the hallway. I followed her back to the window with the Rose trellis and made sure no one was watching.

"What did you grab?" I asked, watching carefully as Pacifica slung her duffel bag over one shoulder and her hand bag over the other.

"Not much. Clothes, soap, a couple books." She made her way don't the vine carefully, and I followed.

"What was that room?" I asked as we narrowly avoided a Peacock.

"My walk in closet," Pacifica explained. "It opens up to my bathroom."

"Okay, and the makeup?" I asked, firing the grappling hook over the wall again.

"You know why I wear it." She climbed up the rope in the same fashion she climbed down the Roses, and waited for me.

"This was stupid dangerous," I said, climbing over the wall to join Pacifica.

"Yeah, but at least now I can shower." She shrugged, loading her bags onto the cart.

"You know you could've used out soap," I said, starting the cart.

"And smell like a poor person? In your dreams!" I sighed, starting the cart and driving away.

Mabel stood on the porch waiting when we came back.

"Where were you guys? And what did you do to my sweater?" Mabel asked, arms crossed.

"We just went to grab a few things, Pacifica said, grabbing Mabel's clothes. "Don't  worry about it." She grabbed her bags and walked into the shack, tossing Mabel her clothes as she went.

"Woah Woah Woah!" Mabel said, stopping me before I could follow Pacifica.

"What gives, Mabel?" I asked.

"Did you guys go back to the mansion?" She asked, eyes wide.

"We just needed to grab some of Pacifica's things, no big deal." I tried to go again, only to be stopped a second time.

"Do you guys realise how dangerous that was? What could happen to us if Preston figures out who's hiding Pacifica?" Mabel asked, genuinely scared.

And you know what? I honestly hadn't thought that far.

"Mabel, I..." I trailed off, trying to figure it out. "I don't know."

(A/N) We reached out word count goal of exactly 1,000 words! I was wondering if maybe we could get this story into the rankings? It would mean a lot to me, so share the story! Love you guys! ✌❤🍙

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