Really now?

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Pacifica is such a mystery to me.
I don't know why I even bother.

I walked down the hill, kicking rocks as I went.

I can't believe she would ask me out on a date, then say she wasn't into me! Mabel was right!

I could've sworn Bill would come back soon. I could hear him now, "Finally cleared your head, eh Pine Tree?"

"Hey, are you mocking me?" I sighed.

"Go away, Bill," I knew he wouldn't leave, but it was worth a shot.

"You're pathetic, you know that Pine Tree?"

"No I'm not!" That's a lie.

"Yeah it is!" He laughed.

"Ugh, Bill! Stop reading my mind!" Did he do this to everyone?

"Oh, some people's thoughts are very hard to read." He flashed with quick fleeting images, yellow, Brown, grey...

"Bill, what do you even want?" You're as foolish as the gnomes.

"Hey!" He cleared his throat, then bowed down. "I'm about to make a deal..." He said.

"Bill, you're foolish to think I'd make another deal with you! The last time, I was forced to become a puppet," I said, furious.

"Who said it was with you?" He said, and suddenly, I was in a dark world with red sky's.



{DISCONTINUED}Our Love is a mystery(Dipcifica)Where stories live. Discover now